Training and innovation actions to increase the entrepreneurial skills of people with migration background, to reduce the risk of marginalization and exclusion.
According to several studies, people with migration background have worse salaries and have a higher unemployment rate if compared to native born people. In this frame, the COVID pandemic didn’t improve the economy but has increased the risk of marginalization and exclusion for people with migration background. The project CHAMPION take action to strengthen the local entrepreneurial environment to align it to the people with migration background needs. The project is focused on the concept of social entrepreneurship, considered vital to generate a positive impact on people and societies.
- To create cultural heritage based social enterprises and potential success stories.
- To provide adult people with migration background with knowledge, skills and competences related to the ideation and creation of cultural heritage-based social enterprises or innovation initiatives.
- To support adult people with migration background to transform in practice the skills acquired during the training programme.
- Analysis of research, literature, studies & experiences for the critical factors of the creation of social enterprises or social initiatives by people with migration background in the participating countries and EU and identify success stories.
- Empirical research to confirm or expand on the enabling success factors and those that negatively affect the creation of social enterprises and social initiatives by people with migration background based on their social heritage.
- Mapping the training landscape, analysing existing formal and C-VET training programmes, courses and initiatives.
- Designing of the action-based learning approach and definition of the competence matrix for training programme & action lab.
- Definition of the structure and content of the CHAMPION Training Programme and Action Lab
- Development of the specific method for evaluation and assessment of the skills attained for the participants in the training programme.
- Curriculum and Syllabus, describing the context, the action-based learning approach, the competences matrix, the skills assessment approach and the structure and content, action lab.
- Tools for assessing the skills acquired with the learning content, support materials, incl. case studies.
- Validated content, exercise and practical assignments for the learner, which allow them to put into practice the knowledge, skills and competences acquired in the Training Programme
- Support method for professionals in the field of entrepreneur ship and business support, to guide and support the learners in their ideation, creation and setting processes, and reach a solid, robust and customized action plan to make this reality.
- Pilot validation report which analyses the results and provides the recommendations for improvement of the Action Lab; Support programme and related OER Area.
- Newsletter
- At least 60 participants of in the pilot validation are satisfied with the relevance and quality of the content; the mix of the activities and consider the action-based learning approach, as well as the support programme, adequate and useful
- Minimum 60 of participants in the pilot validation are satisfied with the user friendliness and accessibility of the OER
- Minimum 56 of participants in the pilot recommend Champion to others
- 48 of participants in the pilot implements the customized action plan and start to set up their enterprise/initiative within 12 months after project end
- Minimum 16 of participating NGO/CVO professionals report improvement of their entrepreneurship support activities and increased willingness of beneficiaries for social entrepreneurship
- >10 NGOs/CVOs using Champion at project end; >40 after 3 years
- 8 business hubs use Champion at project end; >30 after 3 years
- 80 stakeholder representatives’ interest in taking up Champion at project end; 200 after 3 years
- Camera di commercio globale per i paesi di lingua portoghese (Luxembourg, coordinator)
- EOLAS SL (Spain)
- MyArtist Koin.S.Ep (Greece)
- Agenzia di ricerca e sviluppo VAEV GmbH (Austria)
- CESIE (Italy)