BASE CAMP – Presidi Educativi Territoriali

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  • To counter educational inequalities among youth aged 12 to 17 in the cities of Palermo, Catanzaro, Naples and Rome;
  • To promote an innovative pedagogical-didactic model that pursues goals of personalization, through the consolidation and activation of territorial educational facilities;
  • To enrich the training, educational and sociocultural offerings aimed at young people in the four cities;
  • Activate processes of consolidation of educational alliances among community actors in the four territories.


  • Consolidation and establishment of four educational teams and four territorial educational facilities called “Base Camp” in the cities of Palermo, Catanzaro, Naples and Rome;
  • Work on the beautification and furnishing of the spaces of IIS Petrucci-Maresca-Ferraris in Catanzaro;
  • Setting up of four computer areas in the spaces of the four schools hosting the “Base Camps”;
  • Personalized education activities in afternoon hours, aimed at students aged 12 to 17 in the Base Camps in the four cities;
  • Cultural animation activities, with programming of regional and national scope aimed at promoting contemporary culture, inspired by the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with in-depth coverage of the following macro thematic categories: Environment, Culture & Society, Justice and School & Current Affairs;
  • A programming of territorial animation activities, aimed at the activation of workshop paths that involve students starting from the detection of their educational and cultural needs and desires. On the basis of surveys carried out in the territories, the following thematic areas of interest have emerged: Sexual orientation, identity and gender equality; Interculture and valuing diversity; Urban and territorial regeneration; Psychophysical well-being; Conscious consumption.
  • Digital citizenship activities, aimed at students, family members and teachers.
  • Online awareness webinars on media education will be conducted at the national level. Territorial workshops will be held locally, on topics such as: cyberbullying, hate speech; fake news; online identity and privacy; research syntax. Activities to consolidate educational alliances between institutional and third-sector actors, schools and families, in order to strengthen networks and community pacts, enrich the educational and cultural offerings aimed at all beneficiaries, and foster the sustainability of educational principals in the four cities.


  • Restarted three educational and cultural facilities called “Base Camp” in the cities of Palermo at IMS Regina Margherita, Naples at ICS R. Bonghi and Rome at Liceo Classico e Linguistico Aristofane;
  • Beautified and furnished the spaces of IIS Petrucci-Maresca-Ferraris in the city of Catanzaro and launched the educational and cultural facility “Base Camp.”
  • Drafted portfolios and personalized study projects for students who will attend the four “Base Camps.”
  • Realized cultural animation programming;
  • Realized territorial animation programming;
  • Realized digital citizenship and media education programming;
  • Developed a nationwide social media dedicated to the project and managed with the youth of the principals.


  • Activated an ongoing personalized education service aimed at students;
  • Improved the academic performance and strengthened the life and soft skills of the students involved;
  • Strengthened students’ autonomy in managing their own study and consolidating an effective learning method;
  • Increased students’, students’ families and teachers’ knowledge in the area of contemporary culture and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
  • Strengthened digital citizenship skills of students, students’ families and teachers;
  • Activated opportunities for discussion and created collaborative networks in the four territories and synergies between teachers, families and institutional and third sector actors;
  • Increased the teaching and pedagogical and educational inequality management skills of four educational teams active in the four cities involved;
  • Increased and improved the educational offerings of the educational institutions involved through the management of upgraded and beautified educational spaces, the construction of computer classrooms, the provision of digital equipment, and cultural and territorial events and workshops.


  • CESIE (coordinator)
  • IMS Regina Margherita, Base Camp Palermo headquarters
  • Associazione Laudes
  • Cooperativa sociale Dedalus
  • ICS “R. Bonghi”, Base Camp Napoli headquarters
  • Cooperativa sociale Parsec
  • Liceo Classico e Linguistico Aristofane, Base Camp Roma headquarters
  • Centro Calabrese Solidarietà
  • IIS “Petrucci – Ferraris – Maresca”, Base Camp Catanzaro headquarters
  • Comune di Palermo
  • Comune di Napoli
  • Comune di Roma
  • Comune di Catanzaro
  • MED, Associazione Italiana per l’Educazione ai Media e alla Comunicazione
  • Fondazione Nazionale “Vito Fazio-Allmayer”

The project

BASE CAMP – Presidi Educativi Territoriali

Project number

Implementation date

17/02/2022 – 17/02/2025


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