Promoting inclusive communication and trust between professionals who offer support services, cultural consultants and migrant and refugee women and girls survivors of gender-based violence.
The BASE project responds to the need to create practices and support services for migrant and refugee women and girls survivors of gender-based violence that are inclusive and attentive to important socio-cultural factors, with the ultimate objective of minimizing the possibility of secondary victimization, raising awareness on and contrasting the phenomenon of gender-based violence within migrant communities.
- To contribute to the development and sustainability of inclusive support services in cases of GBV against girls by Empowering migrant/refugee women as cultural advisors.
- To increase the capacity of support professionals to communicate and understand sociocultural factors and lobby for the sustainability of capacity building practices through cross-country cooperation.
- To raise public awareness on the vulnerability of migrant/refugee girls to GBV, and on the promotion of gender equality in migrant communities towards a positive change of male attitudes.
- Analysis of support services’ contextual practices in handling GBV against migrant/refugee girls, legal frameworks and needs of professionals, girl victims of GBV, families and communities.
- Development and implementation of BASE Cultural Advisor curriculum on cultural understanding to facilitate communication with girls’ victims of GBV, and their families.
- Development and implementation of a capacity building programme for professionals on communication with migrant/refugee GBV victims.
- Implementation of Cultural advisor training workshops for 20 migrant/refugee women and Capacity building training workshops for 30 professionals locally.
- Meetings and events to lobby for the implementation and sustainability of the BASE programme.
- White paper on the provision of support services to migrant/refugee girls’ victims of GBV.
- BASE Cultural Advisor curriculum.
- BASE Capacity building programme.
- BASE Open Learning Platform.
- “Hope For Children” UNCRC Policy Center (Cyprus, coordinator)
- Associacao Portuguesa Conversas De Psicologia – Apcdp (Portugal)
- Rinova Limited (UK)
- Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung Fur Analyse, Beratung Und Interdisziplinare Forschung – abif (Austria)
- Znanstveno-Raziskovalno Sredisce KOPER – ZRS KOPER (Slovenia)
- CESIE (Italy)