Soft Skills and entrepreneurship: the IDEA project

Thursday 3 March 2022

Home » Adult » Soft Skills and entrepreneurship: the IDEA project

Today, the European labour market increasingly demands a series of soft skills, which are a key to employability.

These skills can be acquired through non-work activities, in leisure time or through participation in education. When talking about soft skills, we may refer for example, to the ability to work within a team, to work under pressure, or to communicate effectively. Yet, many training and educational programmes still address these competences inadequately.

In order to overcome this challenge, the IDEA partnership developed an Interactive toolset supporting Development of Educators of Adults’ skills in Boosting Entrepreneurship among NEETs.

The digital resource allows educators and students to access teaching and training materials and other useful resources to become successful entrepreneurs, by expanding young people’s entrepreneurial skills and thus increasing their employability.

The Toolkit offers a self-assessment tool to test one’s own knowledge and eight modules on informal skills related to entrepreneurship, enhanced by real-life scenarios and good practices.

During the months of December, January, and February, CESIE presented the resource to three groups of educators and students, in order to collect their opinion. The online meetings were attended by a class from the CPIA of Turin and by teachers and students from Euroform, an organization that offers vocational training courses for both young people and adults.

The meetings included a theoretical part on the Toolset contents and practical activities aimed at solving real-life scenarios, based on the skills presented in the resource. In addition, it was possible to discuss the experience of teachers and educators in teaching soft skills.

Teachers and students are currently evaluating the resource, that will be available on the project website, once refined. Lastly, CESIE is organizing the final event of the project to be held in March: date and location are still to be defined. Stay updated!

Are you interested in the project?

For more information contact Simona Sglavo:

About the project

IDEA – Interactive toolset supporting Development of Educators of Adults’ skills in Boosting Entrepreneurship among NEETs is cofinanced by Erasmus+ programme, KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education.


For further information

Read more about IDEA, visit the project website and follow us on Facebook.

Contact Simona Sglavo:

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