Empowerment e inclusione: il SAFE SPACE a Palermo

Tuesday 4 June 2024

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A safe space is a safe and welcoming environment where people can feel protected and free to be themselves without fear of judgment or discrimination through emotional support and the creation of an inclusive and respectful environment.

An existing reality in Palermo that since 2020, thanks to the Penc Center, has represented a fundamental point of reference for many migrant women and girls in Palermo. Through free workshops and group activities, these women were able to acquire skills, knowledge and a greater awareness of themselves and their rights.

SAFEHUT, coordinated by CESIE ETS, continues to make progress in promoting the empowerment and well-being of migrant women and young girls in Palermo. On Friday, May 24th, at Booq – neighborhood bibliofficina, we had the honor of presenting the activities carried out by the staff of the WGSS (Women’s and Girls’ Safe Space) of Palermo and to tell about the new Child-care service activated thanks to the support of the project that has allowed the inclusion of a new cultural mediator and a new educator, both with experience in assisting migrant children.

The work done by the WGSS has been crucial for the empowerment of the women who frequent the space, offering support not only on a personal, but also social and community level. In this, the SAFEHUT project and the work of the WGSS represent a tangible example of how the empowerment of migrant women and girls can be pursued through concrete and targeted initiatives. The commitment of CESIE ETS and the Penc Center and the professionals involved continues to make a difference, creating an environment of support and growth for the inclusion of the most vulnerable communities in Palermo.

About Safe Hut

SAFE HUT – Holding safe spaces for women and girls’ empowerment is a project funded by the  European Commission, DG for Migration and Home Affairs (HOME), Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).


For further information

Read about Safe Hut, visit the website and follow us on Instagram.

Contact Cristina Idone Befecadu: cristina.idonebefecadu@cesie.org.

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