Discussing innovative approaches for the sustainable transition of the tourism sector

Friday 30 June 2023

Home » Adult » Discussing innovative approaches for the sustainable transition of the tourism sector

What are the most important changes in the world of tourism on a global scale? What is meant by sustainable and regenerative tourism and what training opportunities are currently offered in these areas? What skills and knowledge are essential for better competitiveness in the tourism field? What does “hybrid project management” mean and how can it be applied to the tourism sector?

These are some of the key questions that guided the initial research conducted by HyPro4ST project partners in 6 European countries-Greece, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, and Portugal. The research involved several representatives of the professional sectors targeted by the project (project management, tourism, vocational education and training, higher education), and was conducted in two stages: online questionnaire and organization of a focus group/individual interviews. The results of the research (soon available online in English and in partners’ national languages) highlighted the current trends in the tourism sector and the main training needs, in order to promote a new professional figure:  “Sustainable Hybrid Project Manager” in the tourism sector. The consortium met in Opatija (Croatia) on the 14th and 15th June, at the premises of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (University of Rijeka), in order to further discuss the information emerged from the research and plan the next steps of the project, which include the creation of an online training course for tourism professionals wishing to strengthen their “hybrid,” green and digital project management skills.

Would you like to learn more about upcoming project activities? Do not hesitate to contact us for further information!

About the project

HyPro4ST – Sustainable Tourism Innovation Through Hybrid Project Management is a project financed by the program Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Partnerships for Innovation: Alliances 2021 Programme, and it has the objective of Developing a new job profile in tourism sector, aimed to upskill managers, professionals, practitioners and students of the tourism sector: the “Sustainable Hybrid Project Manager”.


For further information

Read more about HyPro4ST, visit the website https://hypro4st-project.eu/ and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Contact Simona Sglavo: simona.sglavo@cesie.org.