VOICES Festival: Music, theatre and dance to talk about freedom and human rights

In this historical moment, the way we speak about migration can make the difference and change the perception we have about this phenomenon. The great challenge is to add value to migration and migrants through the universal language of art, raising the awareness of the local population on the topics of freedom of movement and expression.
Music, theatre and dance will become tools through which convey the message of acceptance equality in terms of rights that should be granted to each and every of us. These tools will become the voice, the movements and rhythms of a new society we want to build with VOICES Festival.
On 6th and 11th of July, Voices of Solidarity (VOICES) will arrive in Palermo with two events: the first one will be BORDERLINE performance at Biblioteca di Casa Professa. On the 11th July, we will organise the parade Welcome and 2 performances by ArteStudio (Roma) and Dan Perjovschi (Romania).
VOICES Festival
Biblioteca comunale in Casa Professa
Foro Italico Umberto
Complesso Monumentale Santa Maria dello Spasimo
6th and 11th July 2018 | Palermo
6th July 2018 - Atrio “Paolo Borsellino” della Biblioteca Comunale Casa Professa
19.00: Opening
19.15: BORDERLINE - Patricia Carolin Mai and Jakob Neubauer
The Hamburg based German company, directed by the dancer and choreographer Patricia Carolin Mai and Jakob Neubauer, musician and writer, will give a performance called “Borderline”. Patricia is specialised in contemporary dance while Jakob is an expert of symphonic music: “During the performance, six artists will take the stage and explore human bodies as archives full of personal ad cultural memories”.
Do you want to watch the show?
The attendance to the performance is free but registration is required on Eventbrite.
11th July 2018 - Foro Italico Umberto I | Complesso Monumentale Santa Maria dello Spasimo
17.30: WELCOME. PARATE |Foro Italico Umberto I (the parade will start in front of the coloured marble benches)
Children, women and men will perform the idea of welcoming through music, dance and theatre. Giocherenda, Donne di Benin City, Spazio Donna Zen and Filo da torcere after having come through a path of reflection on the topic of migration they created masks and customs reflecting a clear message: taying together is the only way that we have to build a multicultural society where all the people have the same rights. The final step of the parade will be Spasimo.
The parade is built on four steps related to the topic of welcoming migrants: the arriving by sea, the bureaucracy in the asylum determination process, the fake refugee images that are being used to distort public opinion and the multiculturalism.
19.30: Refreshment at Spasimo
This story performance will take on the stage the “search of balance based on a metaphor of table- world where tables and chairs will become the borders of a worldmap that each time change the rights and duties of the participants between imagination and fantasy of a better world”.
BEHIND THE WALL - Dan Perjovschi
The Artist Dan Perjovschi reflects this controversial topic, through his drawings, with empathy and sharpness. The performance combines elements related to urban art, theatre, dance, music, that support the need to debate and raise awareness of refugees in Europe at social level - through social commentaries – and individually - through short monologues transposed in motion by two dancing actors. These nonverbal monologues arebased on thoughts, ideas, feelings, and conditions, taken out of interviews with refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, and Romania.
Do you want to see this two performances?
The attendance to the performances and the previous refreshment is free of charge but registration is required on Eventbrite.
About the project
VOICES - Voices of Solidarity is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
The project holds together 5 organisations:
- ArtReach(United Kingdom);
- altonale (Germany);
- Explora(Italia);
- Teatrul National Radu Stanca(Romania);
- CESIE (Italy).
For further information

Get updated on Twitter #VOICESEU.
For further information, please contact Daria La Barbera - daria.labarbera@cesie.org.