OER Town: Towns as Open Educational Resource for migrants!

Thursday 9 January 2020

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OER Town: Towns as Open Educational Resource for migrants!

9 January 2020Migration

Migrants, asylum seeker and refugees often face different sets of obstacles to integration: language barriers in accessing public services; lack of information; discrimination and prejudice from native-born communities complicating their access to jobs and social inclusion. Marginalisation due to migrants’ concentration in certain neighbourhoods reduces their access to quality education and job opportunities, wellbeing, cultural and political participation.

The importance of early integration has been stressed in the literature for a long time, emphasising that newcomers need to avoid, after arrival, long periods of unemployment or inactivity. Having understood the urgency of this condition, the recently started project OER Town propose and test an innovative and digital model of support for the early integration of migrants, asylum seeker and refugees. Also, national policies of the European Union in the Work Programme 2018-2020 “Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies” emphasizes that ICT-enabled solutions and toolkits for the implementation of inclusion policies may facilitate the management of the integration of migrants, improve autonomy and inclusion and therefore the lives of migrants.

The project involves 6 partners from 6 different countries:

  • From Spain, the “Universidad del Pais Vasco” as coordinator of the consortium;
  • From Greece, Active Citizens Partnership;
  • From Germany, BUPNET;
  • From France, Pistes Solidaires;
  • From Austria, Verein Multikulturell;
  • From Italy, CESIE.

This diverse and experienced on different subjects partnership met the 19th and 20th of December in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, for the kick-off meeting of the project. OER Town, aims to give migrants, asylum seeker and refugees the chance to take their learning into their own hands and explore their surroundings, their learning becomes self-determined and self-responsible but also interactive with the local community in order to create a sense of belonging.

During the meeting, partners exchanged and shared experiences and good practices as well as set the framework for the implementation of the activities of the project. In fact, the first activity will be the realization of a research which will combine a literature review, desk research and a survey with the aim to highlight state of the art developments and practice in use of ICT and OERs for integration of migrants and refugees in their host communities, but also to serve as a basis for exchanges and discussions that lead to the development of a mobile APP (which is the second output of the project), a Toolkit for trainers/facilitators, a database of learning challenges (where all the challenges created will be stored)  and a Roll Out Handbook for other communities wanting to replicate the project (IO5).

For more information don’t hesitate to visit the project’s page or to contact: Emiliano Mungiovino emiliano.mungiovino@cesie.org

About the project



The project brings together partners from 6 countries:

For further information

Read more about OER Town.


Contact Emiliano Mungiovino: emiliano.mungiovino@cesie.org.

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