EVECSA: Driving the shift towards Climate Smart Agriculture in Europe

Monday 20 May 2024

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As the effects of climate change continue to affect agriculture across Europe, there’s a pressing need for innovative solutions to ensure the sector’s resilience. In response to this challenge, EVECSA promotes Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices across Europe.

With 22 partners across six countries, EVECSA is dedicated to establishing six Centers of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) and a European vocational platform for Climate Smart Agriculture. Through these efforts, EVECSA aims to equip the agricultural workforce across Europe with the skills necessary to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by rapidly changing agricultural systems.

What are CoVEs in EVECSA

At the heart of this commitment are the Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs), regional centres where stakeholders collaborate to improve vocational skills based on the needs of the agricultural workforce. These CoVEs bring together VET providers, employers, and research centres to promote cutting-edge learning opportunities that empower current and future agricultural professionals to embrace innovative CSA practices.

Regional dimension

CoVEs function as catalysts for socio-economic development, ensuring the provision of high-quality skills and promoting employment and career advancement opportunities in line with the principles of innovation, inclusiveness and sustainability. By involving a wide range of local actors, CoVEs can rapidly adapt skills provision to meet changing economic and social needs, thus fostering ecosystems of innovation, regional development and social inclusion.

International dimension

CoVE networks aspire to raise standards of vocational excellence by facilitating collaboration between countries with established and developing vocational training systems. Through international cooperation, these networks aim to explore the full potential of vocational training institutions in promoting growth and innovation, while supporting the implementation of EU policies and actions related to vocational education and training. In EVECSA, all CoVe will in the future form a European Vocational Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (EVACSA), which will continue to shape CSA training policies and practices.

What is CSA?

Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an approach endorsed by organizations such as FAO and the World Bank, aimed at helping agricultural systems adapt to climate change effectively. This approach seeks to achieve sustainable increases in productivity and incomes, adaptation to climate change, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions where feasible.

EVECSA mission

EVECSA comprises 22 partners spanning six countries: Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Poland, Italy, and Spain. Together, we are establishing six Centers of Vocational Excellence and a European vocational platform for Climate Smart Agriculture. Our mission is clear: to provide advanced vocational education and training that equips individuals with the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing agricultural landscape.

The inaugural transnational (online) project partner meeting took place on May 8th, marking the beginning of collaborative efforts. In the upcoming months, the partnership will be actively involved in establishing the CoVe and PoVe while initiating an analysis to identify the needs within each CoVE and key competencies among stakeholders in the regions.

For further information on CoVEs, visit: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/it/programme-guide/part-b/key-action-2/centres-vocational-excellence#footnote3_21x0od7. To learn more about CSA, visit: https://www.fao.org/climate-smart-agriculture/overview/en/ and view the map of EVECSA partners: https://netwerk.wijzijnkatapult.nl/detail/2226/evecsa/connect/.

About the project

EVECSA – European Vocational Excellence for Climate Smart Agriculture is a project funded by EACEA.


For further information

Read more about the project.

Contact Caterina Impastato: caterina.impastato@cesie.org.

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