Also this year, for the 21st memorial for the Capaci massacre, CESIE and the partners of project Panormus, co-financed by Fondazione per il Sud in cooperation with Enel Cuore, will participate actively to the demonstration. In the morning of 23 May, the operators of the project will be present at the “Legality Camp” in Piazza Magione, with many activities aimed at educating to legality, workshops and recreational events to receive, along with anti-mafia associations, police forces and Civil defense, the schools and students which will be present from whole Italy and 13 European countries.
The day, entitled “Le nuove rotte dell’impegno. Geografia e legalità” (New routes of commitment – geography and legality), is organized by MIUR, Fondazione Giovanni e Francesca Falcone and the schools of Palermo. It will be rich in events in many places of the city.
The two “Boats of Legality” will arrive at the harbour with students coming from the whole peninsula; to follow, the institutional event at the prison Ucciardone and the “Legality Camps” set up in Piazza Magione, Parco Ninni Cassarà and Corleone. In the afternoon two parades will start (from Aula Bunker at 16.30h and from via D’Amelio at 16.00h) and they will gather under the Falcone Tree in via Notarbartolo for the final moment of silence, in memory of all the victims of the massacres perpetrated by mafia.