CESIE, since October 2009, has been involved in the Exact project (Excellence academy for trainers) which is part of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP). The project provides to build a website (www.exact4.eu) containing excellent training tools which can be used by trainers from different countries and contexts. The project provides a Testing phase during which partners will analyze the actual impact of the training material on the beneficiaries, in order to ensure the transferability and the immediate use of the methods proposed by the Academy.
Therefore CESIE has organised , on April 5, 2011 in Palermo, a series of activities involving trainers, mentors, students and youngsters of the European Voluntary Service. The test was about the following training tools:
– “Diagnostic sheet”, a questionnaire for trainers on the approach to take with different types of students; it has been tested by a trainer and five mentors, with partially positive results.
– “Eguidya”, a web site containing many tools for direct training, like videos, virtual games; it has been tested by 17 European Volunteers, which have given a positive evaluation.
– “WWW.COM”, a wide programme of intercultural activities addressed to student classes; it has been tested by 17 European Volunteers, specifically with a reading session.
These activities have achieved a two-fold goal: being a training moment for the participants and bring an important contribution for the improvement of the products available on the Exact platform.
For further information please contact Silvia Ciaperoni (silvia.ciaperoni@cesie.org).