[su_heading size=”20″]SERCo – Mapping Social Entrepreneurship – National Report[/su_heading]
SERCo approach intends to show the importance of developing social economy initiatives to improve the economic situation of Roma communities. In fact, Roma’s history has been featured by an adaptation to different countries and a survival attitude in different societies. For this reason, entrepreneurship seems a common behavior of Roma culture.
The aim of this report is to offer a first glance about the meaning of social economy phenomena, some benefits that it can offer to Roma and, a state of art of social entrepreneurship resources in Italy. The idea is to map the public policies and actions, which directly impact on social economy; the relevant stakeholders within the social economy sector; which may help to realize about the strategies and the allies of entrepreneurial processes; the social entities that are working to foster Roma-led entrepreneurial initiatives; and the stakeholders’ perception about the impact that social economy might have on Roma communities.
Target: Young People, Civil Society Organisations, Roma Communities, Stakeholders
[su_button url=”https://cesie.org/media/Mapping-SocialEntrepreneurship_NationalReport.pdf” target=”blank” background=”#336DB3″ color=”#ffffff” wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”10″ icon=”icon: file-pdf-o” icon_color=”#ffffff” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Download SERCo Italian Report[/su_button]