Think Twice – Supporting the Development of Media Literacy in Education

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Supporting the Development of Media Literacy in Education involving several target groups studying and working in different formal learning contexts.


Today, the formal education system struggles to keep up with the rapid changes in communication. One of the main challenges is distinguishing truth from false information, as we are constantly exposed to a huge amount of content from different sources and across multiple platforms.

Fake news is nothing new, but what is of greatest concern is the amount and speed with which misinformation is spreading, amplified by the overuse of social media. This situation represents an unprecedented challenge!

According to a Eurobarometer survey conducted in December 2019, more than half of respondents in the European Union believe that the information disseminated is frequently misleading.

Think Twice aims to support the development of media literacy skills in education. Its main objective is to create opportunities for students, teachers and educators to grow by proposing concrete initiatives to be integrated into the curricula and continuing professional development (CPD) of teachers, focusing on media and digital literacy.


  • Enable, empower, and support educators to improve their use of digital tools for education.
  • Use digital technologies to engage in collaboration with other educators, sharing and exchanging knowledge and experience, and collaboratively innovating pedagogic practices.
  • Use digital sources and resources for continuous professional development.
  • Consider the specific learning objective, context, pedagogical approach, and learner group, when selecting digital resources and planning their use.


  • One per country educator webinar, 60-90 minutes to present the project’s phases and to encourage the 15 educators aimed to to participate in workshops piloting.
  • Twelve workshop concepts were developed and piloted as a series of 6 3-hour workshops (90 minutes per workshop concept) with 10 participants each. Each series of 6 workshops was implemented 3 times in each partner country: with 10 educators working in primary or secondary school, with 10 educators working with adults, and with 10 students at university in a teaching track/future teacher.
  • A game for the development of media literacy of learners of all ages to provide educators with a customized teaching and learning tool they can implement in all environments (in-situ, online, blended). The game could also be used by learners independently of a facilitaton


  • Think Outside the Box – Gamification of Media Literacy short guide in English addressed to educators on how to use the game with learners of different ages
  • The same short guide will be translated and provided in the partner’s national languages: Croatian, Italian, Portuguese, French, Greek, Romanian, and Lithuanian
  • Think Ahead – Creation of a guide for education providers on creating their digital and media literacy action plan
  • Think for Yourself – Creation of 3 MILCompEducator micro-credentials outlining the profile of a media and information literate educator in primary, secondary, and adult education


  • 120 participants in the online webinars (15 participants per partner country)
  • 80 representatives of stakeholders and policymakers in meetings with project partners (10 representatives and 2 events per country)
  • 320 participants in the Media Literacy Days Events (40 per partner country, 20 per event)
  • 8 Media Literacy Days Networks created with a total of 24 members (1 network with a minimum of 3 members per country)


The project

Think Twice – Supporting the Development of Media Literacy in Education

Project number


Implementation date

01/01/24 – 31/12/25


ERASMUS Lump Sum Grant



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