Skills4Life – Life Skills 4 Life After Prison: Sowing the Seeds of Social Inclusion for Young Offenders

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  • Offer young people in conflict with the law the opportunity to improve their life prospects through the enhancement of their personal, social, organizational and relational skills.
  • Provide young people in conflict with the law the practical tools to reintegrate into society after release from detention facilities or communities for minors.
  • Fill the gaps in the prison/community education system by expanding the available training resources and enhancing the skills of educational staff.


  • Research on the needs of young people in conflict with the law in the local contexts and on the gaps in the prison/community education system through field interviews and secondary research.
  • Development of the Skills4Life methodology and related teaching material, useful for the development of personal, social, organizational and relational skills of young people in conflict with the law.
  • Training of prison/community educators on the Skills4Life methodology.
  • Training activities with young people in detention facilities and communities for minors, conducted by the educators of the facilities, useful to test, adapt and validate the methodology developed (pilot phase).
  • Analysis of the results of the pilot phase for the finalization and formalization of the Skills4Life methodology.
  • Organization of events aimed at disseminating the methodology in all partner countries.



  • Strengthening the ability of 80 young people in conflict with the law to reintegrate into communities after release.
  • Improvement of the skills of the educational staff of 8 prisons/communities in supporting young people throughout the reintegration process.
  • Expansion of the innovative educational resources available to educational staff working with minors in conflict with the law.


The project

Skills4Life – Life Skills 4 Life After Prison: Sowing the Seeds of Social Inclusion for Young Offenders

Project number

Implementation date

01/03/2021 – 31/08/2023


Erasmus + KA2 – Strategic partnerships for youth, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices



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