PIVOT – Youth Promoting Informed VOTe

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Promoting the inclusion and active citizenship of young people, increasing their knowledge and critical thinking skills on specific social issues.


European elections stand as pivotal moments for democracy across the continent, offering citizens a crucial opportunity to shape the political trajectory of the EU. Despite encouraging statistics reflecting increased participation among young Europeans during the 2019 European elections, it remains imperative to sustain efforts in promoting voting, particularly among those preparing to exercise this right for the first time.

The PIVOT project is dedicated to advancing the European Union’s objectives concerning youth engagement in democratic processes and fostering gender equality. Aligned with the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, the EU gender equality strategy, the EU strategy on children’s rights, and the Council of Europe Recommendation on the participation of young people under the age of 18, the project plays a vital role in realizing these aspirations.

The project’s core objective is to cultivate active citizenship among young individuals, irrespective of gender, background, socio-economic status, or disabilities. Collaborating with inclusive groups of young people, partners will conduct training workshops focusing on understanding EU values and operations, democracy, social issues, critical thinking, and soft skills development. Additionally, the project aims to facilitate dialogue platforms for young, European Parliament candidates, and policymakers, fostering mutual engagement and participation.


  • Facilitate the active participation in democratic processes of sixty young individuals, aged between 17 and 25, through targeted tools designed to deepen their understanding of EU values and operations while also raising awareness about inclusion and diversity issues.
  • Empowerment of young people to engage directly with politicians and policymakers by focusing on two key initiatives: assessing the political agendas of European Parliament candidates and fostering dialogue with political representatives and other stakeholders.


  • fifteen interactive workshops and two webinars tailored for young individuals.



  • Increased skills of partners involved in project implementation.
  • sixty young people, aged between 17 and 25, empowered about the module’s topics;
  • 40 European Parliament candidates, decision makers, policy makers and relevant specialists involved.
  • 1 international conference with one 1200 participants, bringing together experts, policymakers, and youth representatives to exchange ideas, share best practices, and explore innovative solutions to common challenges facing the European Union.


The project

PIVOT – Youth Promoting Informed VOTe

Project number


Implementation date

01/09/2023 – 31/08/2025


KA220-YOU – Cooperation partnerships in youth



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