PARTICIPATION – Analizying and Preventing Estremism Via Participation

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  • Defining new research methods in the fields of extremism and radicalisation based on a participatory fieldwork and a mixed method approach;
  • Developing innovative communicative tools, educational approaches and community-based strategies;
  • Improving the awareness of young people and communities on the topics of extremism and radicalisation;
  • Developing policy recommendations with the participation of researchers, stakeholders, practitioners and social actors.


  • Diagnose the state of radicalisation in different contexts;
  • Adapt existing activities as well as create and test new agreed pilot actions to promote the uptake of measures to prevent, mitigate and reverse radicalisation processes/factors;
  • Raise awareness and provide information, (self) assessment, mutual exchange, and learning;
  • Use Social Lab as a training tool and provide suitable incentives to include practices of mutual learning and cooperation in radicalisation studies;
  • Develop and test in Social Labs actions and activities which will contribute to implementing measures and mechanisms that fully recognise the importance of social inclusion in addressing radicalisation phenomena.


  • Report illustrating the multi-dimensional model of the pathways of extremism and radicalization (D2.6);
  • Methodological handbook for Social Labs (D3.2);
  • Methodology for designing of counter-narrative campaigns for young people (D4.6);
  • Online Prevention Tools Database (D6.7).

Full list of resources can be found on the project’s website.


  • Holistic multidimensional model based on participatory fieldwork and a mixed method approach, discussed by the experts, stakeholders and decision-makers in workshops and conferences both international and arranged by consortium members;
  • Specific methodological tools and databases for analysis and to identification different critical situations useful for scientific and practitioner networks;
  • Integrated approach, based on co-creation and participatory philosophies, that permits to generate new knowledge on at-risks groups and the most effective proxies and methodologies, with the involvement of the targets, experts, practitioners and stakeholders
  • Development of empowerment and resilience through social lab, focus group discussions, participatory research and workshops involving directly targets and at-risk groups.


The project

PARTICIPATION – Analizying and Preventing Estremism Via Participation

Project number

Implementation date

01/12/2020 – 30/11/2023


The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD)



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