Migrants take Care (MtC)

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  • Enhancing the social inclusion of people with a migrant background, from a low educational level and particular disadvantaged access to work opportunities, through education and training tailored to their needs for cultural, communication and professional training.
  •  To raise the quality of caregiving and the employment conditions of disadvantaged learners with a migrant background in the Home/Residential Care Service Sector by strengthening their access, participation and learning opportunities.


  • Preparation, design, development and validation of a training toolkit with feedback from key stakeholders including employers and workers with a migrant background in each country that the project takes place.
  • Local piloting training and evaluation in each country will offer a training experience to the beneficiaries, during which they will be coached and trained on communication, cultural and language-based topics.
  • Preparation of an online Handbook, designed on European guidelines, adaptable to each national context, to support care service providers in the recruiting process of people with a migrant background and fostering their inclusion in the workplace environment.
  • Collection of best practices and success stories among care providers.


  • Training toolkit for people with a migrant background in the Home and Residential Care Service sector: tailored to the needs of individual low-skilled or low-qualified adults. It will include skills assessment tools for the recognition and validation of the skills acquired through non-formal or informal learning and former work experience.
  • Implementation of the pilot training in a dual approach, with a technical/cultural training tool and an online work-based language course to assist in the training of at least 50 people with a migrant background, in all Partners’ countries
  • Online Handbook for care service providers on supporting the beneficiaries to access on the care provider careers in order to enhance the labour inclusion of people with a migrant background, including technical advice for the recruitment process and best practices of successful labour inclusion.


The project

Migrants take Care (MtC)

Project number

Implementation date

01/10/2018 – 30/11/2020


DG EAC, Erasmus+, Key Action 2: Co-operation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Strategic Partnership in the field of YOUTH



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