- To strengthen sports as a tool for social inclusion and to raise awareness about its potential
- To foster increased participation of refugees and local young people in sports activities and to create a constructive dialogue between different social groups
- To train Youth workers and Sport Trainers to better awareness and proper skills to use sport as a pedagogical tool to foster social inclusion of “vulnerable” target groups
- To offer learning opportunities (being coach) to sportive young people from local and migrant origins that would increase their level of social inclusion and their future job opportunities
- To foster the (re)discovery and use of public spaces for the practice of grassroots sports
- MATCH International Training Course “Inclusive Sport”
- MATCH Local Trainings Course “Coaching Sport in social inclusion”
- Production of Pedagogical Manual Sport & Youth work – Bridging the gap for social inclusion
- Renovation of a public space to practice sport and launch of the campaign “Grassroot Sports in public space”
- Antiracist grassroots sport festival “Mediterraneo Antirazzista”
- Sport trainers and youth workers, involved in the International Training Course and the in further phase of the project, will broaden the set of pedagogical tools and sport activities
- Refugees, asylum seekers and disadvantaged youngsters involved as coaches have an important learning opportunity, at local and European level, maximising their life potential
- Sport and educational activities shaping in tournaments scheduling in 4 months addressed to children, teenagers, youngsters from local and migrant community (150)
- Sport activities and realisation of local grassroots Sport Festivals in the six countries
- Coordinator: CESIE (Italy);
- HANDALA (Italy);
- FASTO University Of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina);
- EURICON (Netherlands)
- FOOTURA – Union for Development of Sports and Sport Culture (Bulgaria);
- Greek Forum Refugees (Greece);
- Club Natacio Banyoles (Spain).