LOOP – Scaffolding in Teachers Development: Mentoring and Mentors in Induction Programs

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  • To support teachers in the early stages of their professional life through a comprehensive mentoring and induction program;
  • To improve the development of the teaching profession, using shared experiences among the participating countries;
  • To promote online community learning networks and innovative pedagogical practices among teachers, school leaders and other stakeholders;
  • To influence teacher training policy in order to strengthen international and intergenerational cooperation;
  • To contribute to the valorization of the teaching career by offering successive conditions of support, feedback and guidance;
  • To increase the access and success rate of different mentoring programs.


  • Mapping the state of art of induction programs and mentoring activities in schools in each partner country with a qualitative and quantitative research;
  • LOOP Toolkit for Mentoring: building and sharing an interactive online platform for mentoring programs among teachers;
  • Peer-to-peer learning: enhancing the creation of collaborative processes among teachers who share at different stages of their career and in which social, collaborative, cognitive and intergenerational interaction, mediated by technology, enables multiple learning opportunities;
  • Setting-up a mentoring program for mentors and teachers;
  • Organizing International conferences in order to give a broad projection of its activities, intellectual outputs and results to a very wide audience, at national, European or international level.


  • LOOP Landscape: improving our understanding of teacher education report. The aim is to outline the landscape by providing a common vision on induction and mentoring programs, underling the regional variations, knowing and portraying the role of mentors.
  • LOOP Toolking for Mentoring: supported by an interactive online platform for building and sharing. The toolkit will be configured as follow: questionnaires to collect information, reports of experiences, testimonies and good practices.
  • LOOP Provider for Better Outcomes: co-designing of the Mentoring Program for Mentors to make participants feel well integrated, supported, recognized in their own countries. The overall objectives are: to clarify the role of the mentor, to identify the learning and development pathways, to create a mentoring program suitable for mentors and other teachers.


  • Innovative strategies and processes in teaching and teacher training, with special emphasis on the collaborative and intergenerational dimensions, anchored in induction practices, specifically Mentoring;
  • Greater opportunities for professional development in teaching within the framework of European citizenship, in a more structured sharing dynamic with an expected impact on strengthening the inclusion and success of students at school;
  • Modernization and internationalization of organizations as direct participants and, indirectly, of all those who become aware of the LOOP project.


The project

LOOP – Scaffolding in Teachers Development: Mentoring and Mentors in Induction Programs

Project number

Implementation date

01/09/2020 – 01/09/2023


Erasmus+, KA2 Strategic Partnership SCHOOL



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