- Supporting safe, productive, fulfilling life for young people, ultimately contributing to preventing sexually transmitted infections, unintended pregnancies, gender-based violence and gender inequality thanks to Sex Education.
- Promoting dialogue about relationships, sex and sexuality among different generations within the family as an unexplored setting to support healthy relations.
- Providing middle and secondary school teachers with comprehensive and youth-appealing tools to support teaching about relationships, sex and sexuality at school, with a focus on strengthening young people’s socio-emotional skills.
- Empowering young people aged 11-18 to make responsible choices and gain holistic knowledge on relationships and sexuality in a participatory and multimedia manner.
- Raising awareness about the importance of a comprehensive sex-education from an early age.
- Carrying out cross-generational focus groups and interviews about love and relationships in the project countries.
- Needs analysis with teachers about their teaching attitudes, their levels of awareness about Sex Education and challenges in implementing such an approach in local contexts.
- Local piloting with teachers on how to handle intimate issues, norms and challenges about relationships and sexuality and how to develop tools to teach Sex Education in schools.
- Co-creation of a methodological training programme for teachers, school educators and youth workers on how to teach Sex Education in schools.
- International training in Palermo, Italy for partners and teachers about the ISEX methodology and on self-reflection skills for teachers to better address Sex Education in schools.
- Mentoring Programme for teachers working with middle and secondary school students.
- Local piloting with middle and secondary school students about comprehensive Sex Education including cultural aspects of relationships and sexuality, socio-emotional skills, empowerment and responsible decision making, body awareness through non-formal methods.
- Study Visit to Amsterdam for partners and teachers.
- Local Festivals in each partner country.
- International Conference on Comprehensive Sex Education and Empowerment in Schools in Hungary.
- Book of Love of Generations: video collection of cross-generational stories about love, relationships and sexuality.
- Sex Ed in schools: methodological training for teachers and school educators.
- Sex- Ed across cultures: Curricula for secondary school kids.
- “Let’s talk about it!”: Online platform and video lessons.
- White Paper on Comprehensive Sex – Education in Italy.
- Raised awareness on the different attitudes towards love, relationships and sexuality in the family through the distribution of the Book of Love of Generations based on focus groups and interviews with 15- 20 grandparents, parents and children in each project country.
- 20-25 teachers per country involved in the needs analysis about Sex Education in schools.
- 12 teachers involved in the International Training on Comprehensive Sex Education in Palermo have improved knowledge about how to teach sex education at school and what the practices are in the project countries.
- 20-25 teachers per country successfully implement Sex Education in their schools, with the support of the staff of the project partners as their mentors.
- 400-500 secondary school students involved in piloting sessions of the Toolkit on Sex Education have improved understanding of healthy, safe and fulfilling relationships.
- 10 teachers have improved knowledge and skills about Sex Education and related practices thanks to their participation in a Study Visit in Amsterdam.
- A minimum of 20 people in each country have stronger knowledge and awareness about the importance of Sex Education and of healthy relationships as a consequence of attending Local Festivals in each country.
- Raised awareness on the need of comprehensive Sex Education among policy makers.
- Kelet- Magyarországi Közösségszolgálat Alapítvány (Hungary, coordinator)
- CESIE ETS (Italy)
- SYMPLEXIS (Greece)
- In Touch (Netherlands)
- Nevelok Haza Egyesulet (Hungary)
- Mozgáskorlátozottak Egymást Segítok Egyesülete (Hungary)
- CSAT Egyesulet (Hungary)