- To increase awareness of the importance of the social development addressed to the respect of the fundamental social rights.
- To increase awareness that the educational sector results a key element for the sustainable development.
- To promote the effective participation of the community in activities aimed to improve the health status and the wellbeing understood also as development of the cognitive, affective and relational capacities.
- To promote educational activities with children aimed to motivate to studying and learning and to prevent the school drop-out.
- To raise the capacity building and the know-how in the Indian social operators in terms of professional, management and relational skills.
- To increase the awareness of the fundamental human rights, including the specific ones about children.
- To provide to National Civil Service volunteers an opportunity of human, civic and professional growth.
- Support the curricular and extra-curricular activities in the schools involved in the project.
- Support to the local centres and managing fund raising activities for the sustainability and the transferability of the projects in progress.
- Workshops implementation and awareness-raising campaigns on various topics addressed to students, families and local community.
- Cultural-exchange events among volunteers and local communities.
- Language courses (English, Italian, French) for children, teachers, social workers.
- Writing of project proposals.
Report and testimonies of the Italian Civil Service experience:
- Overwhelmed by a masala destiny in Bhubaneswar: everything in place and nothing in order.
- Honey, pickled fruit flowers and other stories.
- JRP -Jeevan Rekha Parishad – Bhubaneswar
- Bakul Fondation – Bhubaneswar
- KISS-Kalinga Institute for Social Science – Bhubaneswar