Promote inclusive practices in and through sport to increase the inclusion of young people with disabilities and young people at risk of social exclusion.
Sport can provide an arena for social interactions between persons from all background. With this regard, sport is a valuable tool for promoting inclusion and mutual understanding. What is important is to support the further education and training of physical education teachers, coaches, and other sports staff and volunteers in general, with or without disabilities, by equipping them with the necessary knowledge, specific skills and appropriate competence recognition to enable them to include young individuals that are usually marginalized in different physical education or sports settings.
- To increase the capacities partner organizations and clubs to operate at transnational level and exchange good practices in the field of inclusive sports.
- To develop new methodologies for inclusive sport practices for physical education teachers and staff of sport organisations.
- To test newly developed methodologies in the local schools, sport clubs and other non-governmental organisations that promote sports and physical activities.
- To develop the capacity of local communities to include the most vulnerable young people through the practice of sport by combating intolerance, discrimination, and social exclusion and by promoting the universal values of sport.
- Exchange of good practices about inclusive approach and methodology in daily sport activities through a seminar in Italy and a study visit in Bosnia.
- Development of activities and methodologies for inclusive sport for teachers of physical education, sports club staff and other sport people working with youth with disabilities and youth at risk.
- Testing of the newly developed methodologies for inclusive sports in the schools, sports club, communities and other non-governmental organisations that promote sports and physical activities and empower physical education teachers and staff of sport clubs.
- Organisation of an international training for teachers of physical education, trainers, and sport teachers in Italy to test the aforementioned developed methodologies.
- Organisation of local trainings based on the newly developed methodology to provide sports trainers and other educators with training units aiming to improve their personal teaching competences, expand their views, and promote diversity.
- Manual on inclusive sport methodologies
- Inclusion Reloaded YouTube Tutorials on inclusive sport methodologies
- Collection of good practices
- Increased capacity of partner organisations to operate at transnational level on the inclusion of young people with disabilities and other socially excluded individuals.
- Increased skills of teachers of physical education and sport workers in working with people with disabilities and youth at risk.
- Better understanding by young people of the universal values of sport and an increased capacity to fight intolerance, discrimination and social exclusion of disabled and other vulnerable young people.
- Increased capacities of sports clubs, organisations, institutions, federations, and schools to adopt inclusive sport strategies and consequently propose inclusive sport activities.
Inclusion Reloaded will impact:
- Representatives of the partner organisations – 24 representatives involved in exchange of good practices through seminar and learning visits.
- Local teachers and trainers – at least 25 physical education teachers, trainers, sports workers or volunteers and similar will participate in international training where they will have the opportunity to test methodologies from the Inclusion Reloaded Manual and tutorials; 80 teachers of physical education and coaches will be trained with the methodologies for inclusive approach in sport education and training.
- Children and youth – 10 000 children and youth coming from different schools and sports clubs at the local level in 4 different countries (Bosnia, Italy, Portugal and Serbia) will attend classes using methodologies of Inclusion Reloaded Manual.
- Local schools/sports clubs – benefit from the methodologies developed as part of Inclusion Reloaded; 30 pax in multiplier events and related activities
- KOM 018 (Serbia)
- CESIE (Italy)
- CENTAR (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- SPID (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Beyond Borders (Italy)
- Sport Evolution Alliance (Portugal)
- Paralympic Committee Serbia (Serbia)
- Faculty of Sport and Physical Education University of Nis (Serbia)