- To develop learning resources which support the professional development of new and existing Employment Practitioners and Educators in the field of mental health.
- To reduce disparities in learning outcomes affecting disadvantaged learners
- To develop training programme and a methodology for supporting people with mental ill health into work
- Organising informal Focus groups with people with mental ill health
- National detailed reporting of key findings of the desk based research and the informal focus group in each country
- Developing training packages to promote partnership building between Employment Practitioners/Educators, Employers and People with Lived Experience of Mental Ill Health
- Creating a the training programme focusing on the underlying Values and Beliefs which practitioners need to be able to recognize to be able to support people with mental health problems back into the workforce
- In depth research to develop a sustainable model for implementation of the training programme across Europe, including a positional statement with barriers to implementation clearly identified and solutions suggested
- Module 1: Beliefs and values of Employment Advisers.
- Module 2: Educator/practitioner skills for supporting people with MH issues who want to work.
- Module 3: Educator/practitioners skills for supporting employers to employ and retain people with lived experience.
- Toolkit for Co-production.
- Strategic Analysis.
- Coordinator: MEH – Merseyside Expanding Horizons (United Kingdom)
- Mersey Care NHS Trust (United Kingdom)
- Accion Laboral (Spain)
- mhtconsult (Denmark)
- Zorgvragersorganisatie GGZ Midden Holland (The Netherlands)