- To strengthen youth workers, youth advisors and project managers working in the field of youth’s participatory attitude and key competencies, while exploring intercultural relations and new socio-political perspectives.
- To promote intercultural dialogue through non-formal education to the benefit of young people’s well-being and career perspectives.
- To promote the culture of non-violence and constructive conflict resolution.
- To stimulate youth organisations’ openness and, ultimately, youth work in the EU and the Balkans through capacity building in the field of mediation and communication.
Training Course in Palermo from 05th to 13th of December 2015. The main activities are: Introduction of the approach of non-violence developed by Danilo Dolci through theoretical and practical sessions and interactive workshops on peacebuilding, mediation and communication. All the activities will be based on the principles of non-formal learning and will contribute to reaching the overall objectives of the project in a participatory and creative way.
- EIRENE Log-Book – promotion material reflecting the activities of the course and spreading further the results achieved.
- Coordinator: CESIE (Italy)
- Platform AGORA – Active Communities for Development Alternatives (Bulgaria)
- INTER ALIA (Greece)
- Duha – UNITED (Czech Republic)
- School of Social Work, Rotterdam University (The Netherlands)
- AFPDM – Associação para a Formação Profissional e Desenvolvimento de Montijo (Portugal)
- Unión Romaní (Spain)
- Young Partners for Civil Society Development Association (Romania)
- DBD – Divadlo bez domova (Slovakia)
- Municipality of Kochani (Macedonia)
- S&G – System and Generation Association (Turkey)
- Mersey Media CIC (United Kingdom)
- CDI – Cooperation and Development Institute (Albania)
- Beyond Barriers Association (Albania)
- PRONI Center for youth development Brcko (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Kosovo Young Lawyers association (Kosovo)
- MANT – Montenegrin Association for New Technologies (Montenegro)
- OSMEH – Organization for Solidarity, Mobility, Ecology and Humanity of youth (Serbia)
- SAS – Student association of Serbia (Serbia)