The main aim of Crossing the Line: Eurospectives is to develop and adapt an innovative DVD “Crossing the Line” that will use input from young people in each of the partner countries and will be tested in close co-operation with the target group, VET trainers working with young people. Eurospectives will highlight the issues affecting young people in each of the participating countries providing a European perspective on culture, disengagement and engagement of youth in Europe.
Specific objectives:
- Transfer of training tools that will target VET trainers working with young people.
- Exploration of a wide range of factors which influence young people’s transition to adulthood and recognition of the need to dispel negative perceptions of young people.
- Production of learning materials, DVD and workbook.
- Workshops with young people in each partner country.
- Production of DVD, workbook and learning outcomes.
- Final conference promoting DVD with full involvement of young people.
- CTL Videos
- Learning Materials
- Resources
- Research Report, Youth Policy in Europe
- Coordinator: Merseyside Expanding Horizons Ltd (United Kingdom)
- URBEATZ Ltd (United Kingdom)
- EURO-training (Bulgaria)
- ROC Midden Nederland (Netherlands)
- Asociatia pentru Educatie si Dezvoltare Durabila (Romania)