- To protect and enhance the right to play, to creativity and to individual self-awareness/autonomy
- To protect and enhance the opportunity of information and education.
- To creating aggregation and socialization areas.
- To support relationships among peers and intergenerational groups.
- To promote non-formal education and training.
- To offer opportunities for information, reflection and experimentation, expression and self-elaboration, as well as sessions for listening and assisted evaluation of contexts, situations, conflicts and issues related to psychophysical development.
- To support own life planning through competencies’ assessment and appraisal of individual skills development.
- To promote respect for living-together models and politeness.
- To educate towards acceptance of own limits and failures, promoting these as means of self improvement and growth.
- Workshops on sciences, environmental education, development of logical-mathematical and cognitive skills.
- Group activities within the partners’ network: thematic events, celebration for festivities; trips and excursions; planned participation to theatre and cinema programmes.
- Summer camps and excursions.
- Workshops on creative materials usage, recreational activities, free game areas, performances and videos projection.
- Arts open space and elaboration of critical and creative thinking, research and artistic experimentation.
- Reflection and discussion areas.
- Individual counseling activity.
- Video-making workshop, learning how to use video editing programmes.
- Photography workshop
- Open space for participative evening events, sports events.
- Coordinator: Associazione S. Chiara
- Associazione Culturale Ziggurat no profit
- Associazione Photofficine Onlus