The impact of poverty on the future of young women: challenges and solutions from Wealthy Minds

Wednesday 5 June 2024

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Being born into an economically disadvantaged family can profoundly affect the future of young girls, hindering access to education, quality nutrition, and personal care. Girls from socially excluded backgrounds are at risk of remaining in the same social class as their parents and suffering exclusion due to inherited limited social, emotional and cognitive skills. The pandemic of COVID-19 has exacerbated this situation, highlighting how distance learning increases the isolation of young girls in poverty.

Wealthy Minds, an initiative aimed at improving the financial literacy of marginalised young women, culminated in a highly anticipated final conference on 16 May at the West Gate Conference Centre in Warsaw. Organised by the Innovation and Knowledge Foundation in cooperation with the Polish Council of Youth Organisations (PROM), the event attracted a diverse audience of educators, policymakers and volunteers committed to promoting financial education and social inclusion.

The Innovation and Knowledge Foundation, with over ten years of experience in implementing comprehensive financial education programmes for various social groups, led the ‘Wealthy Minds’ project. The initiative involved partners from Italy (CESIE ETS), Greece (KMOP) and Poland (PROM). The main objective of the project was to improve knowledge, raise awareness and change attitudes concerning the management of personal finances among girls and young women at risk of social exclusion due to inherited or potential poverty.

The conference aimed to promote the results of the project and to share its successes with an international audience. The event was structured around three main modules: presentation of the research results and discussion of the current situation of young people, introduction of an interactive e-learning platform designed as an educational toolkit for organisations, and implementation of workshops and group discussions to exchange best practices and promote an international network.

The day started with greetings from Aleksandra Talarek (PROM), Krzysztof Jaszczuk (Foundation Innovation and Knowledge) and Alina Prochasek (PROM). Presentations highlighted financial education efforts in Greece and Italy by Ioanna Lagiokapa (KMOP) and Liliana Cipolla (CESIE ETS), and insights by Dr Sylwia Pieńkowska-Kamieniecka. Monika Wojciechowska from the Ministry of Finance discussed the National Strategy for Financial Education.

A highlight was the presentation of the e-learning platform ‘Wealthy Minds’ and a report on the financial literacy of young women at risk in the EU. A panel of experts explored effective strategies for financial education.

The event also included workshops on financial education for excluded young women, led by experts from the project partners, which facilitated a rich exchange of ideas and good practices.

The conference concluded with a summary and expressions of gratitude. It celebrated the achievements of the Wealthy Minds project and contributed significantly to the empowerment of young women and the fight against social exclusion through financial literacy, laying a solid foundation for future financial education initiatives.

To learn more about the project contact Liliana Cipolla:

About Wealthy Minds

Wealthy Minds is a project funded by the Erasmus+ KA220-YOU – Cooperation partnerships in youth Call 2021 program and aims to increase knowledge and awareness related to personal finance management among girls and young women.


For further information

Read more about Wealthy Minds.

Contact Liliana Cipolla: