A step towards action: the Skills4life Curriculum

Monday 13 February 2023

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The Skills4Life Curriculum on personal, social and life skills is ready to be delivered in custodial settings in Italy.

Educators from residential communities and detention centres for minors have been trained through online and face-to-face meetings on the Skills4Life Curriculum, which then they will deliver in their settings until April 2023.  Supported by an Educators’ Guide and a Student Handbook the Curriculum includes practical activities aimed at the development of personal skills, social skills and life skills from self-awareness to relationships to practical abilities. During the training, the educators also discussed the particular needs of their settings, as well as the challenges they expect to encounter during this process, in the attempt to adapt the curriculum to the specific context and needs, to motivate the young people to engage in an initiative that can have a great impact on their personal, relational and social skills and can help reducing the phenomenon of recidivism.

This is the aim of the Skills4Life, which aims at helping young people in conflict with the law gain practical tools to reintegrate into society after their release by expanding the resources and skills of the of educational staff in detention facilities and minor communities.

The Skills4Life project will be presented in the conference organized by EPEA – European Prison Education Association, from the 13th  to the 17th of June, where partners will share the results, challenges  and outcomes of the piloting of the Skills4Life Curriculum and its activities in the different settings and the next steps for the continuation of the action.

About the project

Skills4Life – Life Skills 4 Life After Prison: Sowing the Seeds of Social Inclusion for Young Offenders is financed by Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic partnerships for youth, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.


For further information

Read more about Skills4Life.

Contact Alice Valenza: alice.valenza@cesie.org.