StartUp2: Supporting SMEs with Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
The last 2-3 October in Brussels, city in the heart of Europe, hundreds of intermediary organizations of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, have been invited by the European Commission to participate in the 22nd Networking Meeting. Here they met with a precise purpose: to support entrepreneurs and small & medium-sized entreprises in Europe.
On this occasion, the other organizations coming from all Europe and involved in the programme could meet and learn about the latest of the programme. Moreover, with this meeting participants could exchange points of view and best practices in order to enhance the participation of the interested entrepreneurs.
CESIE acting as a “Local Contact Point” supports NEs and HEs in the registration process, in finding the right entrepreneurial match and in carrying out their business exchange.
Thanks to the pilot project EYE Global, recently launched by the European Commission, 3 new extra European countries joined the Programme: United States (with the states of New York and Pennsylvania), Israel and Singapore.
In only 6 months, StartUp2 has realized more than 50 exchanges. Through the StartUp2 project and the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme:
- New or aspiring entrepreneurs who intend to start their own business can have an exchange abroad (from 1 to 6 months) in the expert entrepreneur’s company and learn how to manage a business
- New entrepreneurs have the chance to get competences in managing SMEs and host entrepreneurs can get benefits from the NE’s ideas collaborating with another entrepreneur.
- a win/win collaboration can start thanks to an exchange where both the NE and the HE have the possibility to extend their networks, access to new markets and start successful business partnerships.
Since the launch of Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme almost 10 years ago, thousands of New Entrepreneurs who have participated in the programme across Europe successfully established their business! Unfold your business ideas, contact us and we will support you through your entrepreneurial experience!
About the project
The StartUp2 project is funded by the DG GROWTH, COSME – Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs.
CESIE, with the project StartUp2 – Start run and grow your business, is a local contact center for Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs and supports both the new and the host entrepreneurs during all the stages of participation in the programme, the writing of the Business Plan, the research of the host entrepreneur and the realization of the exchange. We will be glad to accompany entrepreneurs and to support the growth of their entrepreneurial potential!
The project holds together 8 organisations:
- CESIE (Italy, coordinator);
- SeAMK – Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences(Finland);
- ADICE – Association for the Development of Citizen and European Initiatives(France);
- BIC – North East Business & Innovation Centre Ltd(United Kingdom);
- Parque Cientifico y Tecnologico Cartuja(Spain);
- ANJE – Portuguese Association for Young Entrepreneurs(Portugal);
- Business Development Center Kragujevac(Serbia);
- BA School of Business and Finance(Latvia).
For further information