StartUp2: Introducing new craft beer produced by an Italian young entrepreneur in Sunderland
Taking risks, being driven, curious, experimenting, communicating and asking for a feedback – those are just some of the competencies that are fundamental for people who want to start their own activity - become entrepreneurs.
Needed competencies can be acquired through the experience and entrepreneurship can be learnt by jumping into challenges and looking for solutions. That’s what we, CESIE, believe in and work for! We hold a hand of aspiring entrepreneurs when they jump into discoveries, accompany them during the entrepreneurial journeys and celebrate together the acquisition of new competencies.
Today we celebrate a launch of a new beer “Birra Brigante” crafted by a new entrepreneur Gianni from Italy who is involved in the exchange with an expert entrepreneur in Sunderland, the UK.
At the beginning of the exchange, entrepreneurs (new and experienced) decided to take a risk and try to launch a new product: a new beer that would be relevant for Italian restaurants in the region. The process started with Market and Needs analysis, understanding what exists and what type of beer would satisfy English customers, continued with the recipe development, production of beer and development of the beer identity. Finally, when beer was ready, a new entrepreneur organized a tasting event to get the feedback and promote this new Italian crafted beer.
What does Gianni say about this new product and the story behind?
“Sunderland was an industrial town in England, with coal mines dotted throughout the area, a huge brewery close Wearmouth Bridge, and a shipbuilding core along the River Wear. The River was a gate connecting Sunderland with the rest of the world. The oven of the steel factory was burning coal all day long producing elements so much needed for the ships and trade. The coal from the Sunderland gave power and heat to English people. What did happen then? Margaret Thatcher decided to close the minery in some places across the UK, Sunderland was not an exception. Then the uprising started and many miners went to the streets to strike against the closing of the minery. Closure caused many social problems and unemployment.
20 km North-west of Sunderland there is an important economic city of the North East England - Newcastle. Newcastle was one of the most important cities during the Industrial revolution and became the coal monopoly, as this was preferred by London. The Tyne Rivercross the city, from there the ships loaded with coal leaves to wide waters.
Around years 1800 there was a lot of revolutionary politics in Europe and the face of Europe was continuously changing. Emblematic of this European ferment was also desired Unity of Italy by the King Vittorio Emanuele II. Giuseppe Garibaldi with 1000 soldiers led an"Expedition of the Thousand" to the Kingdom of the two Sicilies. For financial reasons, Garibaldi went to Newcastle asking for a support for his invasion of the South Italy. During Garibaldi’s “expedition” in the Kingdom of two Sicilies, the bandits in the South Italy started an uprising against his army. They were called “Briganti”.
Two rivers: River Tyne and Wear, the first in Newcastle and the second in Sunderland. Newcastle represents the richness while Sunderland - economic problems.
In this contest “Birra Brigante” was born and will be brewed by Darwin Brewery in Sunderland.”
Italian restaurants in Sunderland will serve “Birra Brigante” and we hope that “Brigante” will reach Sicily as well.
This story comes from Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme. For further information, please visit the website, write us to or come to CESIE’s office and we will tell you more about all steps to participate and increase your entrepreneurial competencies.
About the project
The StartUp2 project is funded by the DG GROWTH, COSME – Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs.
CESIE, with the project StartUp2 – Start run and grow your business, is a local contact center for Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs and supports both the new and the host entrepreneurs during all the stages of participation in the programme, the writing of the Business Plan, the research of the host entrepreneur and the realization of the exchange. We will be glad to accompany entrepreneurs and to support the growth of their entrepreneurial potential!
The project holds together 8 organisations:
- CESIE (Italy, coordinator);
- SeAMK – Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences(Finland);
- ADICE – Association for the Development of Citizen and European Initiatives(France);
- BIC – North East Business & Innovation Centre Ltd(United Kingdom);
- Parque Cientifico y Tecnologico Cartuja(Spain);
- ANJE – Portuguese Association for Young Entrepreneurs(Portugal);
- Business Development Center Kragujevac(Serbia);
- BA School of Business and Finance(Latvia).
For further information