StartUp2: 156 new entrepreneurs thanks to Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme
During the last Network Meeting of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme which took place in the beautiful city of Granada (Spain), on the past 17th and 18th October, all the intermediary organisations (IOs) could meet, network, share experience and best practices, and most importantly, find counterparts for your entrepreneurs. The objective of the IOs is to support those entrepreneurs who have the firm intentions to start their own business and help them find their host entrepreneur in one of the countries participating in the programme, in Europe and beyond. Through an exchange (from 1 to 6 months) at the host entrepreneur’s SME, the aspiring entrepreneur has the chance to learn all those competences that will boost the business idea and transform the entrepreneurial project into a real successful enterprise.
In the last 10 years through the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme, about 7,800 relationships have been established. This represents a significant achievement which would not have been possible without the collective efforts of the consortia involved in the programme. Various EPs contributed to this positive result, but the long lasting consortia, such as the StartUp2 consortium coordinated by CESIE, are those who contribute the most to this success thanks to the knowledge and expertise they have developed over the years. Looking at the figures, the number of established matches in Cycles 10 (2017-2019) gives an overview of the level of performance for the European Partnerships. 18 months after its start, Cycle 10 consortia have significantly progressed towards the overall target of 1,651 matches with 1,449 established relationships or 86% attainment rate. Thus, Cycle 10 is overall performing well even though only 2 EPs (StartUp2 and Green EYE 2) out of 12 have reached, and even surpassed their targets. The StartUp2 project has confirmed for the third semester in a row its leading position among the other consortia of cycle 10 reaching the %127 of the foreseen exchanges.
If you would like to learn from an expert entrepreneur how to transform your idea into a real business then the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme is for you! You will learn how to start and manage your business successfully.
For more information on the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme, please visit the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs website and if you would like to participate as a new or host entrepreneur write to CESIE will be happy to support and guide you during all the phases of your exchange.
About the project
The StartUp2 project is funded by the DG GROWTH, COSME – Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs.
CESIE, with the project StartUp2 – Start run and grow your business, is a local contact center for Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs and supports both the new and the host entrepreneurs during all the stages of participation in the programme, the writing of the Business Plan, the research of the host entrepreneur and the realization of the exchange. We will be glad to accompany entrepreneurs and to support the growth of their entrepreneurial potential!
The project holds together 8 organisations:
- CESIE (Italy, coordinator);
- SeAMK – Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences(Finland);
- ADICE – Association for the Development of Citizen and European Initiatives(France);
- BIC – North East Business & Innovation Centre Ltd(United Kingdom);
- Parque Cientifico y Tecnologico Cartuja(Spain);
- ANJE – Portuguese Association for Young Entrepreneurs(Portugal);
- Business Development Center Kragujevac(Serbia);
- BA School of Business and Finance(Latvia).
For further information