Grow your Business with Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

When an aspiring entrepreneur wonders how to launch and manage a SME and an expert entrepreneur how to grow the business, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is the answer!
This year Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs celebrates its 10th birthday with more than 7000 exchanges done and more than 14000 NEs and HEs who participated in the programme so far.
New entrepreneurs from all Europe and beyond can learn how to start or improve their new established business through the support of expert entrepreneurs.
Launched in 2009 by the European Commission, this cross-border exchange programme aims to help new and aspiring entrepreneurs acquire relevant skills to run and grow a small business by working with an experienced entrepreneur in another country for one to six months. It increases their know-how and fosters cross-border transfer of knowledge and experience between entrepreneurs.
This programme has demonstrated a positive impact in stimulating innovative business practices, the development of new products and services and expansion into new national markets. Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs aims to reignite entrepreneurial spirit in Europe, support new businesses in crucial phases of their lifecycle and help them to grow.
Last 14th of May in Palermo, CESIE, lead intermediary organisation of the programme and of the StartUp2 project, met potential host entrepreneurs from the tourism sector and inform them about the benefits this programme can bring to their business. Through this programme, the host entrepreneur can:
- work with an energetic and motivated new entrepreneur who can contribute to the HE’s business with innovative views, new skills and knowledge;
- benefit from a "fresh eye" on the business, and specialised knowledge that the new entrepreneur may have and that the HE does not master;
- act as a coach or mentor;
- learn about foreign markets, expand the business opportunities and engage in cross-border activities;
- enlarge network and build strong business relationships.
The large majority of host entrepreneurs enjoyed the experience so much that they decided to host other new entrepreneurs afterwards!
Thanks to the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, participants achieve long-term benefits, which are illustrated in the Erasmus success stories.
CESIE, as intermediary organisation of the programme, supports new and host entrepreneurs who would like to join and boost their business and is ready to guide you along your entrepreneurial path.
About the project
The StartUp2 project is funded by the DG GROWTH, COSME – Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs.
CESIE, with the project StartUp2 – Start run and grow your business, is a local contact center for Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs and supports both the new and the host entrepreneurs during all the stages of participation in the programme, the writing of the Business Plan, the research of the host entrepreneur and the realization of the exchange. We will be glad to accompany entrepreneurs and to support the growth of their entrepreneurial potential!
The project holds together 8 organisations:
- CESIE (Italy, coordinator);
- SeAMK – Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences(Finland);
- ADICE – Association for the Development of Citizen and European Initiatives(France);
- BIC – North East Business & Innovation Centre Ltd(United Kingdom);
- Parque Cientifico y Tecnologico Cartuja(Spain);
- ANJE – Portuguese Association for Young Entrepreneurs(Portugal);
- Business Development Center Kragujevac(Serbia);
- BA School of Business and Finance(Latvia).
For further information