SAFER: Let’s meet to talk about gender
Nowadays we hear so often about equality, equal opportunities, gender, diversity, inclusion.. We read in different newspapers or online portals about the importance to spread a culture of gender equality and encourage the overcoming of gender stereotypes.
Why all of this? Why do we have to talk about equality? Why do we have to discuss about gender stereotypes and learn the prevention strategies? Why is it important to facilitate this discussion and what can we do to contribute to a better future?
This October we are organising several events to discuss with you about these questions and to show you what we can all do in practice to contribute to a future free of gender-based violence!
Awareness raising event for teachers and policy makers “EU school and Europe: educational alliances to promote equality and excellence” will be held on the 10th of October 2019 at the Botanical Garden of Palermo. Here we will present the SAFER – Systematic Approaches for Equality of gendeR project and what has been done in the schools across Palermo, SAFER external evaluators will talk about “School gender or genre” and psychological aspects of gender equality. We will present you tools and methods that can be used in schools to prevent gender stereotyping and we will present other our initiatives for social inclusion and intercultural integration, against early school leaving and educational poverty.
Another event for children and parents “Embrace equality now!” will be held on the 11th of October at the Diaconal Center “La Noce” - Istituto Valdese in Palermo. Here parents will reflect on the importance of gender sensitive pedagogy and children will have a chance to participate in dance, yoga, acrobatic and creative workshops trying different activities that educate about gender equality and inclusion.
Another event is planned for late November where we will present animation movie, mobile applicaton for children and other SAFER developed materials! Follow us on Facebook and don’t miss it!
If you would like to learn more about the project, activities and events, you can contact Cloé Saint-Nom,
About the project
The SAFER - Systematic Approaches for Equality of gendeR project, that is co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Commission, aims to prevent, encourage reporting and combat gender-based violence (GBV) fostering a systematic approach based on positive psychology and character education of children through the development of materials and training of the teachers.
The project partnership holds together 8 organisations:
- Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family – SPAVO (Cyprus);
- Vilnius University(Lithuania);
- Profexcel.Net Ltd (Ireland);
- Neophytos Ch. Charalambous (Institute of Development) Ltd (Cyprus);
- Hellenic Association of Positive Psychology (Greece);
- YouAct (United Kingdom);
- CESIE (Italy).
For further information
If you would like to be involved in the activities of the project, or if you would like to receive more information about the project, you can contact Cloé Saint-Nom,