ORIENT Manifesto: the power of orienteering in shaping more inclusive societies

Monday 26 June 2023

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To promote orienteering as a mean to enhance social inclusion, the ORIENT consortium published the Manifesto, a policy-oriented document containing a series of recommendations based on the project experience.

The objective of the Manifesto is to demonstrate the potential of orienteering-based activities in fostering participation and social inclusion, with a view to encourage public authorities to promote policies in support of orienteering.

In particular, the ORIENT Manifesto provides solid evidence of the role that orienteering can play in:

  • helping young people to develop a variety of skills such as problem solving, decision-making, leadership and teamworking, while at the same time raising self-confidence and boosting their sense of agency;
  • promoting knowledge of local realities: through the practice of orienteering young people can look at their local environment under a new light, as a dimension for socialising, sharing and working together as a team;
  • providing opportunities for marginalised and underprivileged groups to integrate with more ease in their local community, thus laying the foundation for the creation of more inclusive societies.

The ORIENT Manifesto will be finally presented to policy-makers in the field of sport and social inclusion to convey all project results and to encourage local municipalities and relevant Ministries to:

  • develop sport policies that respond to the actual needs of young people;
  • allocate funds for orienteering initiatives and give grant to support orienteering clubs;
  • promote an orienteering culture through events and festivals and by mapping the local heritage;
  • collaborate with sports organisations in the design and implementation of innovative strategies and actions in the field of sport and social inclusion.

Read the ORIENT Manifesto and discover the potential of orienteering!

About the project

ORIENT – Young explorers re-discover local communities through orienteering is a project funded by the program Erasmus + SPORT.


For further information

Read more about ORIENT, visit the project website orientproject.eu and follow us on Facebook.

Contact Cloé Saint-Nom: cloe.saintnom@cesie.org.

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