Orienteering is more than a sport: it’s not just a physical or recreational activity but it also has a great potential in terms of social inclusion. To deepen this topic, the ORIENT consortium developed the Anthology, a compendium of knowledge, tools and methodologies linked to the practice of orienteering for social purposes.
The ORIENT Anthology has been developed through desk and field research, which involved several sports trainers, CSOs workers and young people. The Anthology represents a source of inspiration for innovative forms of engagement of vulnerable young people in new sports initiatives capable of increasing their sense of belonging to a shared community, thus helping them to integrate into society.
As shown in the Anthology, the practices of orienteering can help young people to develop a variety of skills such as decision-making, leadership and teamwork, while at the same time raising their self-confidence and fostering socialization. The Anthology prepares the ground for the development of the ORIENT Curriculum, which provides sports trainers and CSOs workers with guidelines to organise orienteering activities aimed to young people.
Download and read the Anthology and stay updated on the project’s Facebook page.
About the project
ORIENT – Young explorers re-discover local communities through orienteering is cofinanced by Erasmus + SPORT, Collaborative Partnerships.
- CESIE (Italy, coordinator)
- BSDA – Bulgarian Sports Development Association (Bulgaria)
- WUS Austria – World University Service-Österreichisches Komitee (Austria)
- SMOC – Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre (Greece)
- CSI – Centre for Social Innovation (Cyprus)
For further information
Read more about ORIENT, visit the project website orientproject.eu and follow us on Facebook.
Contact Cloé Saint-Nom: cloe.saintnom@cesie.org.