My Creativity My Power: The second step of the international artistic journey in Palermo

Monday 10 October 2022

Home » News » My Creativity My Power: The second step of the international artistic journey in Palermo

From 29 September to 2 October, the young people of the My Creativity My Power project met in Palermo, Italy, for the second international workshop and to continue building the artistic performance to give voice to their political and social demands.

The 50 young people met again for another five-days-workshop and continued to develop their artistic performance. They consolidated friendships, structured the performance, visited the city and outlined their demands.

The participants are enthusiastic and motivated and look forward to bringing their demands for a better future.

The international artistic journey of the My Creativity My Power youngsters will end in Brussels in November with the final performance in front of the European Parliament.

They will bring out some social and political topics through art and, at the end of the performance, will have a moment in which they will actually ask questions about those topics to the politicians in the audience – they will have the once in a life chance to directly ask and talk to those who have a role in changing our world and thus make a better future for everyone.

The performance will be recorded and will be available on the platform of the project, together with all the materials developed during the project lifetime.

About the project

My Creativity – My Power project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme under the Key Action 2 – Partnership for Creativity and aims to empower young people to voice their political demands as active European citizens through the use of creative and artistic means.


For more information

Read more about My Creativity My Power.

Contact Giulia Siino

Get Political: Empowering youth, building democracy

Get Political: Empowering youth, building democracy

Get Political is an innovative initiative that aims to improve the political culture and active participation of young people (15-30 years old) and youth workers. Through inclusive tools, practical experiences and educational resources, the project fills gaps in civic engagement by promoting dialogue between young people and policy-makers. The aim is to train new generations capable of shaping democratic change.