Do you know what is an international work placement? Would you like to undertake this experience but you do not know how to prepare yourself for it? Thanks to the INCAS project you will know everything about it and you will be prepared to do it!
Whether you are a student that wants to improve his/her curriculum and his/her life experiences or that you are a teacher, trainer or mentor that wants to learn how to support his/her students in undertaking this experience, INCAS is the project for you.
During these past months the INCAS partnership worked on the creation of e-learning materials aimed at supporting, helping and giving skills and knowledge to anyone who wants to undertake an international mobility for work placement. The e-learning materials give support in each phase of the international mobility, for the phase of preparation, the pre-departure phase, for the period spent abroad during the work placement and for the re-entry phase after it.
The e-learning material is ready and is being uploaded in the project e-learning platform, a space where can be found other useful tools created within the project for supporting anyone in undertaking this experience. In the following months we will recruit teachers, trainers, mentors to test and evaluate these tools, the feedback and opinion of the users is fundamental in order to make our e-learning platform as useful as possible and to have the highest impact in our users.
Stay tuned to know more about the project, the e-learning platform and about the tools we are creating but, in the meantime, check the INCAS e-learning platform to discover the already created tools: the SCE Mobility Toolbox, which collect several already existing tools for international work placement adapted to the 21st century, and the SCE Mobility Quality System, a flowchart that describe in detail all necessary steps to complete the phases of the international work placement, by giving tips and guidelines.
About the project
INCAS – INCREASING IMPACT IN INTERNATIONAL WORK PLACEMENT, is a two-year project co-funded by the Erasmus + programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic partnerships in the field of adult education, which aims to provide services that improve the quality of international work placement.
- Coordinator: DONCASTER COLLEGE(United-Kingdom)
- EPPSi(Ireland)
- Weiterbildungskolleg Linker Niederrhein – Abt. Mönchengladbach(Germany)
- Centrum Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego w Sopocie(Poland)
- E2C-Europe(Germany)
- Asociatia Noi de asemenea (Romania)
- Danmar Computers LLC(Poland)
- CESIE (Italy)
If you are interested in knowing more about the e-learning materials or if you want to have more information on the project, contact Giulia Siino