Comprehensive Sex Education in school – Launched the LoveAct project

Friday 26 May 2023

Home » Resources » Gender and sexuality » Comprehensive Sex Education in school – Launched the LoveAct project

Talking about sex and relationships is increasingly a need for adolescents throughout Europe. Despite this, there are still few institutional programs that mandate for the study of sex and affective education in schools. Civil society intervention is therefore needed: both to fill the gaps in education and to raise awareness in communities on the importance of confrontation on these still taboo topics.

The Love Act project will try to respond to the challenge over the next two years, starting in 2023, by carrying a dense program of activities. From creating local multidisciplinary networks, to developing training courses. But also by mentoring teachers in deepening these topics, organizing activities with teenagers and creating outreach campaigns.

What do we mean by Sexual and Affective Education?

The Love Act project with “Sexual and Affective Education” intends to propose what is also called “Comprehensive Sex Education“. That is, a holistic sex and affective education teaching program that takes into account the social, cultural, physical, cognitive, emotional and relational aspects of individuals.

Thus, over the next two years, the project will cover topics related to relationships, identity, sexual orientation and gender roles. It will also discuss gendered bodies and violence: from rights, abuse, consent, and toxic masculinity. Ample space will be given to sexual health, and other important intersectional topics, such as cultural diversity, disability, and special educational needs, will not be forgotten. This is all because sex education is closely linked to human rights: sexual and reproductive rights, the right to health, dignity, and gender equality.

What we will do

All Love Act activities will be implemented with a co-creative approach. The direct experiences of young people, teachers and families will be listened to and become the basis for forming programs and educational methods that are truly responsive to their needs. Having an intersectional perspective, the project will want to include as many visions and identities as possible.

So far, Love Act has involved many civil society organizations: experts, professionals in the area, creating a Sex-Ed local Council. The goal is to make the Council a true educating community, capable of exchanging views, elaborating proposals and interventions on the topics of sexuality and relationships.

An example of the activities already carried out as part of the project are the collective writing workshops and interviews. Teenagers and families have participated, telling about their experience with sexual and affective education.

If you too would like to join the council or tell your experience, contact:

About the project

Love Act – Living positive and intersectional sexuality education for gender-based violence prevention is funded by CERV-2022-DAPHNE programme.


For further information

Read more about the project.

Visit the website

Contact Francesca Barbino:

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