Are you studying in high school or college? Do you work with young people in the field of education? If you want to promote civic engagement of the younger generation, find out about AP8’s Online Public Forums!
Active8 & Particip8
AP8 – Capacity Building Report – Training for teachers
The capacity building program for teaching staff members and educators was focused on people that work with high school students and are active in citizens participation.
AP8 – Capacity Building Report – Training for youth workers
The Capacity Building for Youth Workers report is a useful product to get an overview of topics such as active citizenship, disinformation, fake-news and how to combat them, e-democracy tools, and policy monitoring tools.
Participate in free training for the key actors of social change
How to promote participation and active citizenship? Participate in AP8’s free online training for policy-makers, youth workers and activists.
Youth and new forms of political participation
Are you a courageous young person and want to secure your rights? Being informed of the current political situation and actively participating in political movements will help you be heard. Find out how to do this with AP8.
AP8: Free online training on capacity building and mutual learning for teaching and non teaching staff
Participate of AP8’s online training and learn about the role of NGOs in helping to promote participation and active citizenship.