AP8: Free online training on capacity building and mutual learning for teaching and non teaching staff

Monday 20 March 2023

Home » Get involved » AP8: Free online training on capacity building and mutual learning for teaching and non teaching staff

We are pleased to invite you to the free online training for NGO’s of the project AP8 – Active8 & Particip8. The online training on Capacity Building and mutual learning for educators, teachers and youth workers focuses on the following topics: disinformation, NGO participation in the creation of EU policies, active citizenship, importance of the tool of voting in representative democracy, use of new tools for electronic democracy.

The Capacity Building will take place in a single meeting, to be held online, for the duration of about 3 hours. We kindly ask you to choose one of the following dates:

  • 27 March 2023 from 15.00- 18.00 CET
  • 28 March 2023 from 15.00- 18.00 CET
  • 29 March 2023 from 15.00- 18.00 CET
  • 30 March 2023 from 15.00- 18.00 CET

This is a training that will involve actors from leading NGOs internationally, with youth workers, activists and educators from all over Europe. The working language will be English. To participate, we ask you to fill out the Google module at this link.

What is AP8?

AP8 is a project funded by the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA), CERV-2022-CITIZENS-CIV_Citizens’ engagement and participation strand.

The objectives of AP8 are as follows:

  1. Increase the interest, commitment and active participation of young people and promote greater civic sense to be active citizens and participate in the needs of the community.
  2. Promote democratic participation, empowerment and inclusion of citizens, bringing them closer to the European institutions.
  3. Raise awareness of democratic participation among younger generations, in particular by encouraging young people to participate in the 2024 European Parliament elections and to deepen their understanding of the structure of the European Parliament and the EU.

As places will be limited, please confirm your participation by 26/03/2023 at 18:00 CET.

You can also write Martina Romano to the mail martina.romano@cesie.org or Enrico Casacchia to the mail enrico.casacchia@cesie.org.

About the project

AP8 – Active8 & Particip8 is a project funded by the program Erasmus+ – European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), CERV-2022-CITIZENS-CIV, Citizens’ engagement and participation strand.


For further information

Read the project sheet.

Contact Martina Romano: martina.romano@cesie.org

Get Political: Empowering youth, building democracy

Get Political: Empowering youth, building democracy

Get Political is an innovative initiative that aims to improve the political culture and active participation of young people (15-30 years old) and youth workers. Through inclusive tools, practical experiences and educational resources, the project fills gaps in civic engagement by promoting dialogue between young people and policy-makers. The aim is to train new generations capable of shaping democratic change.