With the ISEC-funded ROOT project, CISS and CESIE are organizing a short film festival on the topic of trafficking in human beings, in cooperation with the association “Il Pellegrino della Terra”. The festival consists in three encounters starting this week.
Here’s an overview of the programme:
Tuesday 2nd December
6.30 p.m., “Nera – not the promised land” (Italy, 2007, 22’), documentary by Andrea Deaglio, and “JOY – Job Opportunities for You” (Italy, 2007, 20’).
Tuesday 9th December
6.30 p.m., “Schiavi – Le rotte del nuovo sfruttamento” (Italy, 2013, 60′), docu-film by Stefano Mencherini.
Tuesday 16th December
6.30 p.m., “Trafficking and sexual exploitation in Colombia”, meeting conference in cooperation with the Colombian association Corporation Amiga Joven.
The film festival will take place in the premises of CISS, in via G. Marconi, 2a – Palermo.
Please note that the entry is free of charge and that at the end of the screenings, an apero will be offered.
For further information about the events, please click here or write to partnership@cesie.org.