Within the ISEC-funded ROOT project, CISS and CESIE’s employability training course has come to an end. The training course was mainly addressed at Nigerian women belonging to the partner organization “Il Pellegrino della Terra”, but also other women took part in the course, thanks to cooperation with Centro Astalli Palermo.
The course proved to be helpful to its seven participants, in that they acquired awareness of their soft skills, self-confidence during job interviews and improved their IT skills. Moreover, a lot of energy was put on boosting entrepreneurship skills through the creation of a business plan for each participant’s dream activity. Moreover, Europass CVs were created and important insight on Italian labour and enterprise regulations was gathered through talks with experts, such as with the Italian CGIL syndicate’s Zaher Darwish.
A big thank you to all of the course participants: Glory, Preya, Rebecca, Costanza, Nadia, Lydie and Grace! A summary of all activities carried out will be available soon.
For further information about the project, please write to partnership@cesie.org.