In November, CESIE turns the spotlight on a sensitive and often invisible issue: child sexual exploitation for prostitution, through the JERICHO and STOP projects, on the occasion of three key international days. JERICHO aims to raise awareness of this phenomenon through the involvement of young people, families, and expertsɜ working with young people, preventing abuse and encouraging the younger generation to recognise the warning signs and ask for help. STOP aims to train and raise awareness among professionals and social educators to combat and protect children from the sexual exploitation in prostitution.
In all over Europe, an increasing number of young people between 14 and 17 years of age are victims of sexual exploitation for prostitution. However, this issue remains taboo, barely visible and poorly documented.
November is a particularly important month at the international level for the defence of children’s rights, highlighting achievements in the fight against child exploitation and abuse and reaffirming the importance of child protection worldwide.
- 18 November is the European Day for the Protection of Children against Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation: the European Commission reaffirms its commitment to combat child sexual abuse and exploitation. This day reminds us that society as a whole has a duty to prevent these crimes, prosecute perpetrators and protect victims. It is a collective responsibility to shed light on these realities, promoting concrete actions to address the situation.
- 19 November is the World Child Abuse Prevention Day: A day dedicated to raising awareness against child abuse, with the aim of creating a culture of prevention. This day, which has been active for more than 20 years, is accompanied by a global awareness-raising campaign lasting 19 days and encourages civic and social activities at local and national level to strengthen prevention measures. Workshops, press conferences and educational meetings are just some of the activities promoted on this day.
- 20 November is the World Children’s Day: a day organised by UNICEF, commemorating the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children’s rights are human, non-negotiable and universal rights. However, in many parts of the world, these rights are still ignored or denied. On this day, the focus is on listening to the childrens to realise their right to expression and include their priorities in the actions of the present.
To raise awareness on these issues, JERICHO launched a social campaign on Instagram, curated by CESIE. It features interactive content designed for kids, teenagers, parents, teachers and youth workers and addresses topics such as sex education, risk prevention and the importance of building relationships based on respect and affection, rather than the exchange of material goods.
The campaign also explores how consumer society can influence adolescents’ choices, making them more vulnerable to exploitative dynamics.
In this month dedicated to child protection, it is important for each of us to do our part. Whether you are a parent, teacher, youth worker or simply a person interested in the welfare of the youngest, you can contribute to raising awareness on these issues. Participate in JERICHO’s campaign, spread the information and help us create a culture of respect and protection for minors.
Follow us on Instagram visit to learn about all the new outreach content. Together, we can make a difference!
About the project
JERICHO – Speak out to break down the wall that makes underage prostitution invisible is a project funded by European Commission, CERV-2022-DAPHNE.
- Pistes Solidaires (France, Coordinator)
- MEITIS (France)
- KMOP (Greece)
- CESIE ETS (Italy)
For further information
Read more about the project.
Contact Cinzia Broccolo: