Learning By Doing

Friday 10 August 2012

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The CESIE is happy to inform you that from September 2012 it will the Leonardo Mobility Project “Learning By Doing”.

Learning By Doing is part of the LLP Programme – Leonardo da Vinci, transnational mobility action (PLM) and it aims to facilitate, for young Sicilian people, the acquisition of specific personal and professional skills through a work placement in order to facilitate their search for a job.

In particular the project will involve 54 young people, aged between 18 and 35 yrs old, who are resident in the Sicilian Region. They will be unemployed and will have recently left school or university therefore on the labour market.

They will have the chance to live an experience in one of 5 European countries (England, Greece, Portugal, Romania or France) for a period of 13 weeks.

The work placement will focus on different topics such as:

  • craft skills,
  • horticulture,
  • food processing,
  • textiles, clothes, leather, footwear,
  • mechanics and metal work.

Necessary requirements:

  • To be resident in Sicily,
  • Aged between 18 and 35 years old
  • To be unemployed
  • Have basic English knowledge

For further information write to rita.quisillo@cesie.org or call the telephone number 0916164224

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