Inclusion Puzzle

Tuesday 7 August 2012

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Inclusion Puzzle - Logo7th August

The CESIE is glad to inform you that is looking for one participant for the youth exchange “Inclusion Puzzle”. The project will take place in  Sferracavallo, Palermo, from the 4 th  to 16 th  of September 2012.

The participants will be 41 youngsters, aged from 18 to 25, coming from one of  the following European countries : Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Latvia, Romania and Italy.

The young participants will focus on topics such as multiple Discrimination and Social Inclusion , through non-formal education and art workshops.

The participants will take an active part in a film production  and an Art exhibition about discrimination in Europe. Moreover, they will state their vision of a more inclusive future for all citizens.

Necessary requirements:

  • To have English knowledge
  • To give priority to disadvantaged young people

Costs: Food and accomodation to Baia del Corallo are covered 100%

Submission deadline: 10 August 2012

If you are interested, please send an e.mail to  enclosing a cover letter, or reach CESIE on  091/6164224.

23rd august 2012

The Inclusion Puzzle is a youth exchange which will take place in Sferracavallo (Palermo) from 4th- 16th September 2012. It will involve 41 youngsters coming from Bulgaria,  Czech Republic, France, Greece, Latvia, Romania and Italy.

It will be an opportunity for young people coming from all over Europe: they will be encouraged to express their own opinions on remarkable topics such as Discrimination and multiple discrimination. Moreover, they will share their vision of a more inclusive Europe.

This is the reason why one of the main goals of the project is to foster the participants’ sense of identity , as individuals, and as European citizens through intercultural learning processes.

The activities will be based on creativity and on the full and active participation of the whole group, through a non-formal education approach.

The programme includes teamworks ,role-playing games, simulations, cultural visits, artistic and creative workshops.

The participants will create a short film about multiple discrimination and they will  realize an Art exhibition of huge puzzles representing the discrimination problems in Europe and their vision of a more inclusive future for all citizens.

The exhibition “Inclusion Puzzle” will report the results of the creative workshop which will be explained to the local community, in Sferracavallo,  at the end of the activities.

30th september

“The Inclusion Puzzle” was a youth exchange focused on raising awareness about Discrimination (in both the singular and multiple form) and Social Inclusion. This was done through various activities such as interactive games and non-formal education. Many icebreakers and team building activities helped to shape the group.

A cycle of activities was used to start self analysis and, from there, going forward to understand what it means to discriminate someone and to be discriminated against. Activities such as overcoming culture stereotypesand creating I.D. t-shirts, used to symbolize whom the participants thought they were, were definitive moments of constructive creativity for the group.

Within the twelve days, the participants also created games on social inclusion and facilitated them, these turned out successfully because it showed the diverse understanding of discrimination and inclusion within the different cultures.

Another successful activity, which was aimed at the participants expanding their understanding on the subject of discrimination, was “Step In”. This game consisted of each volunteer getting a slip of paper with a role on it, these roles were very diverse and all based on real life situations of discrimination. This activity helped to reflect in which cases the basic human rights are respected or not.

 “The community game” consisted of the participants splitting into small groups and being asked to create a community based on guidelines given to them before hand. Soon after this two different participants would go and visit another community and report back what they had seen and the group would discuss what they thought the other “community’s” norms and values were. The last step was both groups would come together and discuss what they understood correctly and what was misunderstood.

At the end of these challenging and demanding games participants were called to have some informal evaluation meetingsabout what they just experienced. What developed during these discussions was more significant than the outcomes of the games themselves, because during those moments a real interaction grew between participants, and they started to become friends instead of colleagues.

Of course the youth exchange was not all work, there were various cultural trips to Monreale, Palermo and different “excuses” to visit Sferracavallo too, like nice ice-creams and the local people… this meant that the different cultures could integrate into Sicilian life enjoying it and learning from it.

The last step of the cycle was a flash mob, exhibition of ID T-shirts and a performance. After two days of preparation, the participants took to the streets of Sferracavallo, clapping and shouting, to gain the attention of the locals, than the participants played a game, which highlighted discrimination. Soon after this, to show the mood had changed, all the volunteers joined in, dancing and doing chorography created by the participants, the flash mob ended with a shouting circle asking for “Inclusion!” .


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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