Early Leaving of Education and Training represents one of the most urgent and complex challenges in the European educational landscape. This phenomenon not only compromises the individual future of students, limiting their job and social opportunities, but also has a significant impact on the economic and social development of communities because, as Christiaan Neethling Barnard once said, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.“
The European Union has set a goal to reduce the percentage of dropouts in the education and training system to below 9% by 2030 (Strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond). Despite progress made in several member states, many nations continue to struggle with dropout rates that exceed this target, highlighting the need for targeted interventions and innovative strategies (Education and Training Monitor 2023).
The SCIREARLY project fits into this context, with the aim of analysing the root causes of early leaving of education and training (both implicit and explicit) and proposing effective solutions to ensure all young Europeans can complete their education and training and realise their full potential.
The Report “Social Determinants of Underachievement in Europe” offers a comprehensive overview of the causes, consequences, and solutions implemented to address these issues. CESIE has contributed by drafting a detailed Review of Local, Regional and/or National Policies to tackles Early School Leaving – Italy, which provides an in-depth analysis of the specific challenges and initiatives undertaken within the Italian context.
Causes of early leaving of education and training
The Report identifies a range of interconnected factors that contribute to Early Leaving of Education and Training and academic failure. These include:
- Social and Economic Determinants: poverty, lack of adequate educational resources, and insufficient social support are among the primary causes.
- Family Issues: family distress and lack of support from family members can negatively influence academic performance.
- Individual Factors: mental and physical health problems, as well as lack of motivation, can lead to Early Leaving of Education and Training.
Consequences of early leaving of education and training
The Report highlights the serious implications of Early Leaving of Education and Training, including:
- Limited Job Opportunities: early leavers of education and training have fewer chances to access stable and well-paid jobs.
- Risk of Poverty: limited education increases the risk of living in poverty and reliance on welfare systems.
- Health Issues: there is a correlation between low education levels and health problems.
- Reduced Civic Participation: early leavers of education and training tend to be less involved in political, social, and cultural life.
- Increased Crime Rates: lower education levels are associated with a higher risk of criminal behaviours.
Effective interventions and policies
In its second section, the Report analyses various educational policies and practices that have proven effective in reducing Early Leaving of Education and Training rates. These interventions focus on:
- Preventive Approaches: support programs for at-risk children and families.
- Interventions in Education and Training providers: improvements in teaching and training methodologies and psychological support for students.
- Compensatory Measures: strategies to reintegrate students who have left the educational and training path.
Results of educational policies
The Report highlights the successes of various European countries that have implemented effective policies to tackle Early Leaving of Education and Training. Many of these countries have recorded a significant reduction in dropout rates and improvements in student academic outcomes.
Challenges and future perspectives
Despite progress, significant challenges remain. In particular, the inclusion of migrants and refugees in the education and training system requires further efforts. The Report suggests that existing policies must be expanded and adapted to address these new challenges.
The Report concludes with a series of recommendations for policymakers and educators:
- Invest in Educational Resources: ensure all education and training providers have the necessary resources to support students.
- Promote Social Inclusion: develop policies that foster the integration of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
- Monitor and Evaluate: implement monitoring systems to assess the effectiveness of educational policies and make continuous improvements.
The SCIREARLY Report offers a comprehensive and detailed view of the challenges and solutions related to Early Leaving of Education and Training in Europe. Its recommendations provide valuable guidance for governments and educational institutions committed to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to complete their educational journey and fully develop their potential.
About the project
SCIREARLY – Policies and Practices based on Scientific Research for Reducing Underachievement and Early School Leaving in Europe is a project funded by the Horizon Europe program, Call Inclusiveness in times of change, Research and Innovation Action.
- RED BARNET (Denmark)
- CESIE ETS (Italy)
For further information
Read more about SCIREARLY, follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, X (Twitter) e Instagram, and visit the web site https://scirearly.eu/.
Contact Alessia Valenti: alessia.valenti@cesie.org.