Take part in the MyHandSCraft workshops of arts and crafts as a tool for interaction between different cultures!

Friday 7 August 2020

Home » Get involved » Take part in the MyHandSCraft workshops of arts and crafts as a tool for interaction between different cultures!

Are you an experienced artisan – native or foreigner – who’s interested in discovering the arts and crafts techniques and traditions of other cultures?

Would you like to develop your skills in the field of handicraft by establishing new collaborations with people who share the same interests in art and culture?

If the answer is yes, then join the artisan workshops organized in the frame of the MyHandSCraft project!

We are looking for 10 migrants with experience in the field of craftmanship and arts and 5 locals for a round of 13 workshops which will take place between September and november 2020.

The scope of the workshops is to facilitate the development and exchange of professional competences, promoting the interaction between participants with different cultural backgrounds through arts and crafts:

Below you can find an overview of the  themes addressed in each workshop:

  • WS1-3: The first WS is dedicated to group building activities to set & create a good working & cooperative atmosphere; the following two workshops will be focusing on an assessment of the participants’ initial skills & knowledge (to be compared with the skills & knowledge at the end of the workshops). It consists of the sharing of participants’ personal stories to be collected for the development of IO5, the Digital Guidebook for Handcrafters (Training Package I)
  • WS4-8: 5 workshops will be dedicated for the creation of handicraft products through cooperation & exchanges between locals & migrants, applying the methodologies of the second Training Package. The created products will symbolize the sense of community & integration between not only traditions & techniques but also cultures & people. The handmade creative thinking methodology allows the development of a conceptual development of the artefacts & facilitates the encounter & sharing between techniques & traditions (Training Package II)
  • WS9-11: During these workshops, participants will elaborate an ACTION PLAN to transform one’s own skills related to handicraft traditions into potential business ideas. They will also develop their own PORTFOLIOs to promote their professional profile. (Training Package III)
  • WS12-13: In the final two workshops an Evaluation will be carried out through formal & non-formal methods, such as activities assessing the participants’ competencies & knowledge at the start & end of the workshops. This will allow to test the proposed methods & activities & to make any adjustment needed.

Moreover, a public event, the MyHandScraft Forum, will be organised on friday 4th of September at 17:00 in piazza Santa Chiara at Moltivolti, in order to present the first outputs of the project, as well as the detailed programme of the workshops.

The event, originally planned for February, had to be postponed during to the newly-introduced distancing measures, and it is now being re-planned in an open-air location, with a view to ensure the maximum compliance with current security measures.

The event is open to the public and refreshment will be offered afterwards.

For participation to the workshops please fill out the following form.

My HandScraft – Migrants Hands and Skills to Create a Future Track is a project financed by the Erasmus + program: Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership in Adult Education, and involves 5 partners from different countries:  Coordinator: CESIE (Italy), Dacorum Council for Voluntary Service LTD (United Kingdom), GrantXpert Consulting LTD (Cyprus), Active Citizens Partnership (Greece), Social innovation Fund (Lithuania).

Partners had the chance to meet online for the 3rd consortium meeting, which was held on July 29th and 30th, and which provided a chance for them to share about the current state of the project activities and to re-plan the work for the months ahead.

 Would you like to learn more about the MyHandSCraft project?

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