Do you work in multicultural classrooms and would you like to learn more about inclusive approaches and strategies for your educational practice? Are you interested in learning more about the phenomenon of early school leaving?
Within the In&In Education project, we launched the teacher training module on educational inclusion of students with migrant origin through intersectional approach, with a focus on early school leaving.
The aim of the In&In Education course is to share useful strategies and resources for the inclusion of migrant students from pre-school to secondary school, with a particular focus on transitions between school levels and on contrasting early school leaving.
The training consists of 3 different modules covering the following topics:
- Module 1 focuses on the demographic and educational context of the three project partner countries (Italy, Spain and Greece);
- Module 2 addresses the school policies to contrast educational inequalities faced by students with a migrant background, paying particular attention to the transition to a new educational system, focusing on the phenomenon of early school leaving;
- Module 3 presents good practices, tools and resources that can be useful in the management of multicultural classrooms
The course, directed at teachers of all school levels and educators, has been developed in the Open Educational Resource (OER) mode and contains freely accessible information and tools that users can use in their teaching practice; it provides for asynchronous attendance and, following a self-assessment process, the award of a certificate of participation.
If you are a teacher or educator and would like to participate in the In&In Education project training course, please sign up!
For more information, please contact
About In&In Education
In&In Education – Inclusive education with an intersectional approach, for the school success of Girls and Boys of migrant origin is financed by the Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in school education. The project aims at promoting the educational and social inclusion of students with migrant background in Spain, Italy and Greece, through an intersectional approach, addressing their specific needs to improve their school performance and social inclusion.
- FOUNDATION INTERED (Spain, Coordinator)
- Regional Directorate for Primary and Secondary Education of Attica (Greece)
- CESIE (Italy)
For further information
Read more about the project and visit the website.
Contact Emna Miled: