Human rights and coexistence workshop: Last chance to enrol Ragazzi Harraga workshop
Would you like to discover the city you live in and get to know your peers? Would you like to promote real social changes and work towards the development of your own community?
Enrol in the last cycle of workshops on “Human rights and coexistence” implemented in the frame of Ragazzi Harraga. These workshops aretargeted at harraga girls and boys (aged between 15 and 20) who live in Palermo.
Starting on April 16th 2019, the workshops will take place every Tuesday (until July 2019) from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., at Associazione Santa Chiara, piazza S. Chiara 11, in Palermo.
To register, fill in the online form, or write an e-mail to with your name, surname, age, contacts, (telephone number or e-mail) by April 11th 2019.
Human rights and coexistence workshop
From 16th April 2019, every Tuesday from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Associazione Santa Chiara, Piazza Santa Chiara 11 - Palermo
Thanks to these educational workshops, many young people living in the city of Palermo have had the opportunity to grow and get to know different cultures. . Moreover, during the workshops carried out, in the past few months, Italian youngsters and young people coming from different parts of the world, have been creating a new kind of community and became aware of the importance of contributing to the growth of a diverse group in order to enhance their personal development.
Sul progetto
RAGAZZI HARRAGA – Processi di inclusione sociale per minori migranti non accompagnati nella città di Palermo is funded via Bando Never Alone, per un domani possibile. Reception and welcome of unaccompanied minors and young people arriving alone to Italy [promoted by Fondazione Cariplo, Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione con il Sud, Enel Cuore, Fondazione CRT, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena] and supported by Posteinsieme Onlus, Sodalitas Social Innovation and Altran.
The project activities are managed by the following partners:
- CIAI – Centro Italiano Aiuti all’Infanzia Onlus (Coordinator);
- Associazione Santa Chiara;
- Comune di Palermo – Assessorato alla Cittadinanza Sociale;
- Cooperativa Libera…mente;
- CPIA Palermo 1;
- Libera Palermo;
- Nottedoro;
For further information
Read more about Ragazzi Harraga.
For further information concerning the scope of Ragazzi Harraga project, please contact Alessandra Sciurba, – tel. 0917846554.
For further information concerning the workshops, please contact Roberta Lo Bianco,