New learning opportunities as RAGAZZI HARRAGA launches its third cycle of workshops
Is it possible to create an inclusive community in which diversity is regarded as a source of strength?
Our answer is YES! RAGAZZI HARRAGA demonstrates how much beauty may generate from the learning paths which involved young people living in Palermo during the last few months.
After such a success, CESIE is pleased to launch the third cycle of workshops targeted at "HARRAGA" youths aged 15 to 20.
The third cycle of workshops will start in February. It will be managed by CESIE and Libera Palermo, along with partner organisations that have collaborated in the project since its beginning.
The third cycle of workshops will start on February 20th, 2019. The workshops will be held in Palermo from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., according to the following schedule:
- Intercultural Workshop, every Thursday at CESIE - via Roma, 94;
- Workshop on Human Rights and Social Cohesion, every Wednesday at Associazione Santa Chiara – Piazza S. Chiara, 11;
- Dance workshop, every Wednesday at Associazione Santa Chiara – Piazza S. Chiara, 11;
How to get involved?
To register, fill in the online form, or write an e-mail to, with your name, surname, age, contacts, (telephone number or e-mail) by January 31st, 2019.
The second cycle of workshops ended with a great celebration held on December 13th at the Tower of San Nicolò di Bari. In the heart of Ballarò, we shared multi-ethnic food, listened to good music, danced and had the opportunity to appreciate and be surrounded by theatrical performances, photography and visual arts.
Sounds, movements and fragrances allowed us to share a message of peace and inclusion that was embraced by all the participants.
The party was extremely moving as participants, both Italians and migrants, could show the results of their efforts.
Youths involved in the Creative Expression workshop prepared an amazing act, so as to convey exciting topics by the means of theatrical performance.
Participants in the I-Video workshop shared deep and surprising stories by showing the pictures and the videos they produced.
Last, but not least, young people who took part in the workshop on Human Rights and Social Cohesion worked on a performance based on the importance of change for human beings.
Sul progetto
RAGAZZI HARRAGA – Processi di inclusione sociale per minori migranti non accompagnati nella città di Palermo is funded via Bando Never Alone, per un domani possibile. Reception and welcome of unaccompanied minors and young people arriving alone to Italy [promoted by Fondazione Cariplo, Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione con il Sud, Enel Cuore, Fondazione CRT, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena] and supported by Posteinsieme Onlus, Sodalitas Social Innovation and Altran.
The project activities are managed by the following partners:
- CIAI – Centro Italiano Aiuti all’Infanzia Onlus (Coordinator);
- Associazione Santa Chiara;
- Comune di Palermo – Assessorato alla Cittadinanza Sociale;
- Cooperativa Libera…mente;
- CPIA Palermo 1;
- Libera Palermo;
- Nottedoro;
For further information
Read more about Ragazzi Harraga.
For further information concerning the scope of Ragazzi Harraga project, please contact Alessandra Sciurba, – tel. 0917846554.
For further information concerning the workshops, please contact Roberta Lo Bianco,